Can "tranexamic acid" whiten?
2022-07-22 14:34

Skin care products containing tranexamic acid are the most popular products on the market today. The following will introduce the efficacy and principle o...

What is tranexamic acid in skin care products?
What is tranexamic acid in skin care products?
2022-07-22 14:32

Skin darkening, in addition to genetic factors, will also form melanin under the stimulation of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, sunscreen is the best whiteni...

Why does sodium lauryl sulfate cause hair loss?
Why does sodium lauryl sulfate cause hair loss?
2022-07-22 14:30

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a surfactant that contains around 15-35% in shampoo. That is, a 500ml shampoo contains 150ml of sodium lauryl sulfate. ...

What is the role of surfactants in conditioners?
What is the role of surfactants in conditioners?
2022-07-22 14:24

There are basically two types of hair care products on the market today: shampoos and conditioners. The shampoo is a surfactant, which determines the clea...

Are there any adverse reactions to using tranexamic acid?
Are there any adverse reactions to using tranexamic acid?
2022-07-22 14:22

Tranexamic acid is an artificial substance for whitening and lightening. Since tranexamic acid is a protease inhibitor, it is effective for whitening. It ...

Can SLS in shampoo cause hair loss?
Can SLS in shampoo cause hair loss?
2022-07-22 14:20

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a milky white or yellowish gelatinous paste, or pale yellow. It is widely used in daily chemical products such as liquid wa...

Inventory of several big rumors of milk
Inventory of several big rumors of milk
2022-07-21 16:02

With the improvement of people's living standards, everyone has paid attention to the nutrition of the diet on the basis of eating enough. As a kind of "w...

Is mung bean soup green or red?
Is mung bean soup green or red?
2022-07-21 15:08

In the scorching summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and a bowl of mung bean soup to cool off the heat can be described as a good product for...

What are the medicinal properties of onions?
What are the medicinal properties of onions?
2022-07-21 15:06

Onion is a vegetable that often appears on the table. It can be cooked alone or as a side dish and seasoning. Because of its special spicy taste, many peop...

Do you know what are the magical uses of rice water?
Do you know what are the magical uses of rice water?
2022-07-21 15:04

Many people throw away the water after washing rice, but in fact, rice washing water is very valuable for reuse. It is not only a natural detergent, but al...

Why do turtles bite each other?
Why do turtles bite each other?
2022-07-21 15:00

There are more and more people who keep turtles, not only to kill time, but also because turtles are a symbol of auspiciousness. However, many people who k...

How to improve your jumping ability?
How to improve your jumping ability?
2022-07-21 14:58

I believe anyone who likes to play basketball knows that physical conflicts often occur when playing basketball. At the same time, in order to shoot on th...

How does shoulder training affect your body?
How does shoulder training affect your body?
2022-07-21 14:56

The shoulder muscles, also known as the deltoids, are a small muscle group. If we don't touch strength training, we hardly notice it. However, when we co...

What are the benefits of yoga meditation?
What are the benefits of yoga meditation?
2022-07-21 14:54

Yoga meditation originated in India, with a history and culture of more than 5,000 years, and is known as the "treasure of the world". Yoga originated in ...

What are the effects of trehalose on cosmetics?
What are the effects of trehalose on cosmetics?
2022-07-20 17:08

Trehalose is a safe natural sugar, found in many desert plants, and can form a glass-like substance when dry, which can protect its interior, and when it r...