How does shoulder training affect your body?


The shoulder muscles, also known as the deltoids, are a small muscle group. If we don't touch strength training, we hardly notice it. However, when we come into contact with strength training, we will find its importance, such as:

1. The influence of the shoulders on the body

The shoulders, although small, play an important role in the proportions of the entire body. Not only will an over-the-shoulder make the head look smaller, it can also affect the beauty of the entire upper body.

The shoulders (rear deltoid) are connected to the back and work with the back muscles to shape the entire back line, making the body tall and straight. If you only focus on back training and ignore the shoulders, then the entire back will appear out of coordination.

The shoulders (front deltoid) are connected to the chest, and full shoulders make the collarbone more attractive.

The shoulders are connected to the arms and work with the arm muscles to shape the entire arm. In the process of arm shaping, if the training of the shoulders is neglected, the lines of the arms will not look good.

That said, the shoulders play a very important role if we want the upper body to be well coordinated.

2. The impact of the shoulder on health and training

In addition to the importance of shoulder training for appearance, I have to say the role of shoulder training. Not only does it have a positive effect on health, but it also affects our athletic performance. E.g:

Shoulder training (especially shoulder training) can help us improve the posture problems of hunched back and shoulder buckle, make the body tall and healthy, can relieve the stiffness of the back and neck, thereby improving sub-health problems, especially when we are used to it for a long time When looking down at your phone, shoulder and back training becomes even more important.

Shoulder training increases the flexibility and stability of the shoulder joint, which in turn helps us increase the range of motion in the arms and even the entire upper body.

Shoulder training can not only increase the strength of the shoulders, but also help us improve the training efficiency of other parts, especially the training of the upper body. If the deltoid muscle is weak, it will directly affect the training efficiency and effect of the upper body.

Speaking of which, shoulder training is relatively simple. One of the most important points is that shoulder training needs can be met at home, because from a shoulder training perspective, training with light weights is more appropriate. In the choice of weight-bearing methods, dumbbells and elastic bands can be used, so that the training of the shoulders is more convenient and easy.

So, how to do shoulder training? What should I pay attention to during shoulder training? How should I practice?

Select relevant actions according to the structure of the deltoid muscle and your own training purpose, and train according to the principle of coordinated development of the deltoid muscle. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the relatively weak parts (such as the rear deltoid muscle) at this time.

Familiar with the movement rules, complete each movement under the premise of ensuring the quality of the movement, and feel the contraction and extension of the target muscle in each movement, which can not only ensure the safety of the movement, but also improve the overall training efficiency.

Pay attention to the warm-up, activate the shoulder joint and rotator cuff muscles through proper warm-up training, and prepare for the next training. In terms of activation training movements, it is actually relatively simple. Use the small training movements you want to do. Weights can be rehearsed once. Of course, a warm-up shouldn't make you feel fatigued, and can achieve the purpose of a warm-up.

In the choice of weight, it does not need to be too large, and a small and light way can be used. A water bottle can also be used if there is no equipment nearby.