Female Health

We bring you an introduction to global women's health issues and the prevention of everyday women's health problems.

What is a female vaginal ultrasound?
What is a female vaginal ultrasound?
2022-06-17 14:54

When it comes to genital B-ultrasound, many female patients will be more worried, afraid of pain, afraid of touching the vagina to cause gynecological infla...

Symptoms and prevention of cervicitis in women
Symptoms and prevention of cervicitis in women
2022-06-17 14:46

Ms. Huang and her husband had to live separate lives due to work reasons. Under the epidemic, it was not easy for the two to meet. During the Dragon Boat F...

How menopausal women condition their bodies
How menopausal women condition their bodies
2022-06-17 14:36

When a woman is about 50 years old, due to the gradual decline of ovarian function, the estrogen in the body will be greatly reduced, and the endometrium w...

4 Reasons Why Women Get Pelvic Inflammation
4 Reasons Why Women Get Pelvic Inflammation
2022-06-17 14:32

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a very common gynecological disease in women. According to outpatient statistics, the proportion of patients with pelvic infl...

Ways to relieve back pain during menstruation
Ways to relieve back pain during menstruation
2022-06-15 19:22

The menstrual period is something that every woman will experience. Women who are in the menstrual period are very fragile and suffer from back pain, so the...

How to deal with cold hands and feet of women
How to deal with cold hands and feet of women
2022-06-15 19:18

Women often have cold hands and feet, how to deal with them Conditioning method 1. Eat foods containing nicotinic acid Foods rich in niacin ar...

HPV vaccine tips
HPV vaccine tips
2022-06-09 20:04

HPV is a common reproductive tract infection virus that can be transmitted through sexual contact, mucous membranes and body fluids. Among them, more than ...

Benefits of Lemonade for Women's Health
Benefits of Lemonade for Women's Health
2022-06-08 15:42

Now people pay more and more attention to health, drinking lemon water has become a habit of many people. Especially now that many women who love beauty i...

How do women properly care for their genitals?
How do women properly care for their genitals?
2022-06-02 13:14

Many women think that daily cleaning of the vulva and vagina is the cleanest and most hygienic, but this is not the case. Daily cleaning does not necessar...

The pros and cons of shaving pubic hair for women
The pros and cons of shaving pubic hair for women
2022-06-02 13:04

In addition to the prejudice of secular ethics, shaving is to prepare for labor. In addition, there are many women in life who shave their pubic hair for c...

4 Reasons for Delayed Menstruation
4 Reasons for Delayed Menstruation
2022-05-14 15:10

Whether the menstrual cycle is normal can often reflect a woman's own health. Female friends of all ages often feel distressed because of delayed menstrua...

Causes of sagging breasts
Causes of sagging breasts
2022-05-09 18:02

Breasts are the most precious in a woman's life. Breasts are very fragile and can cause a lot of damage if you are not careful. Sagging breasts hinder th...

How to regulate women's irregular menstruation
How to regulate women's irregular menstruation
2022-05-04 11:40

Irregular menstruation is a common gynecological disease in women, which is characterized by excessive or low menstrual flow and inaccurate menstrual cramp...

Gynecological diseases reflected by changes in female private hair
Gynecological diseases reflected by changes in female private hair
2022-05-04 11:36

Under normal circumstances, the number of hairs in a person's private parts is around 3,000, which, like hair, is replaced every six months on average. Al...

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