What is a female vaginal ultrasound?


When it comes to genital B-ultrasound, many female patients will be more worried, afraid of pain, afraid of touching the vagina to cause gynecological inflammation, and even afraid of encountering a male doctor.
Netizens have different feelings about genital B-ultrasound. Some women feel nothing, some women are nervous, and some people feel vaginal pain.
1. What is genital ultrasound?
Gynecological B-ultrasound generally has two inspection methods: transabdominal ultrasonography and transvaginal ultrasonography.
Transabdominal ultrasound is a traditional examination method. The ultrasound probe is placed in the abdomen for examination, and the patient is required to hold back urine in advance and fill the bladder.
Vaginal ultrasound is also known as genital B-ultrasound. The ultrasound probe is placed directly in the vagina, and the probe only touches the external opening of the cervix and does not enter the uterine cavity.
2. Which one is better, genital ultrasound or abdominal ultrasound?
Vaginal B-ultrasound can clearly observe the growth and development of ovulation, corpus luteum and follicles, and can also be used for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, uterine space-occupying diseases, and the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome and chocolate cyst.
Compared with abdominal ultrasound, the probe position of pudendal ultrasound is closer to the uterus and ovary, which can avoid the influence of intestinal gas interference and abdominal wall sound attenuation. The genital B-ultrasound image is clear, with high resolution, and the examination results are more accurate, but women without sexual life history cannot do vaginal ultrasound examination in principle.
Compared with abdominal b-ultrasound, the subject of genital b-ultrasound does not need to fill the bladder, that is, there is no need to "hold back urine", which can avoid the trouble of drinking a lot of water and holding back urination, save time relatively, and will not make the female under test feel nervous .
3. Don't be shy, you can get 3 results by doing a "genital B-ultrasound" once
Although the process of genital B-ultrasound may be embarrassing or uncomfortable, by doing genital B-ultrasound, we can obtain the following "results".
1, clear the location of the gestational sac
In the first trimester, the genital B-ultrasound can determine whether the expectant mother has an "ectopic pregnancy". Once diagnosed, early steps can be taken to terminate the pregnancy.
2, clarify the number and development of embryos
Through the genital B-ultrasound examination, it is possible to determine whether it is a single or multiple births, and at the same time, it can detect the fetal bud and fetal heart rate, and judge the development of the baby.
3, Early detection of abnormal uterine development
In the first trimester, the embryo is relatively small, and genital B-ultrasound can detect whether there are uterine malformations, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts and other symptoms of abnormal uterine development in pregnant women.
Is genital ultrasound a must for every woman?
Although vaginal ultrasound is good, it is not necessary. The doctor reminds: patients after hysterectomy, women who have no sexual life, and women who are menstruating are not suitable for genital B-ultrasound examination.
Fourth, about the "negative" B-ultrasound, you may want to know about these
1 Can I still do it if I am pregnant? Will it hurt the baby?
Pregnant women have concerns about genital B-ultrasound, one is the fear of vaginal infection, and the other is the impact of radiation on the embryo.
Regarding the first point, the tools used in the examination are disposable sterilizers, and the isolation sleeve of the ultrasound probe entering the vagina is also changed one by one, so there is no need to worry about infection. The second question is nothing to worry about. Ultrasound is a physical sound wave, not ionizing radiation and electromagnetic radiation, and does not harm human tissue.
2 Will genital B-ultrasound induce vaginitis?
Some women feel itching after vaginal examination, and they are worried that they have vaginitis. The itching is likely to be caused by the vagina being allergic to the latex condom of the genital B-ultrasound probe, which will usually disappear on its own, so there is no need to worry too much. If symptoms worsen and do not improve, it is recommended to go for a check-up.
3 Will it hurt to do a vaginal ultrasound?
Many women worry that the genital B-ultrasound will be very painful and have fear. It is true that the genital B-ultrasound needs to probe the foreign body into the vagina, there will be some discomfort, but not to the extent of unbearable pain.
4 What preparations should be made before the inspection?
The genital B-ultrasound examination needs to be close to the cervix and vaginal fornix of the tested woman, so urination, defecation, and bladder emptying must be carried out before the examination. In addition, during the scanning process, the probe may oppress the organs due to some pathological or physiological conditions, and may experience soreness and discomfort. In these cases, the patient needs to cooperate with the doctor's request, use both hands to assist the hip pad higher, or press the abdominal wall to compress the pelvic organs to complete the examination.
In short, relaxing, it is more helpful to accurately check the abnormality in the body. In general, the benefits of female genital B-ultrasound far outweigh the drawbacks, especially for mothers in the first trimester, they must follow the doctor's advice and check on time, so as to know the embryo status in time and ensure the health of the baby.