4 Reasons Why Women Get Pelvic Inflammation


Pelvic inflammatory disease is a very common gynecological disease in women. According to outpatient statistics, the proportion of patients with pelvic inflammatory disease can reach 30% of all gynecological diseases. Once infected with pelvic inflammatory disease, it will bring a lot of influence to the normal life of women.
However, many women do not seek medical treatment in time even if they know they are sick, for fear of being told that it is caused by too many "experiences" of their own.
Is pelvic inflammatory disease because of too much "experience"?
Indeed, some women infected with pelvic inflammatory disease are caused by excessive sex life or too many sexual partners. For example, during the process of intercourse, the hygiene and cleaning work is not done well, and then some bacteria are infected, causing bacteria to invade the pelvic cavity from the vagina and induce Pelvic inflammatory disease occurs; for some women, cross-infection occurs because of frequent changes of sexual partners, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease. Some women also get pelvic inflammatory disease because of the following factors:
1, postpartum, postpartum infection
Women are relatively weak after childbirth, and the cervix is ​​not completely closed, and some women will experience vaginal damage during childbirth. At this time, the cervix and pelvis are in a very weak state and are prone to infection.
2, Menstrual hygiene is unclean
The cervix of menstruating women is also open. At this time, if the cleaning of the private parts is not done well, some sanitary napkins of substandard quality are used, or they are not replaced in time, it is easy to cause bacteria to breed in the private parts. These bacteria will enter the pelvic cavity with the opening of the cervix, and then induce pelvic infection.
3 , IUD
Some women will place an IUD in their body for birth control. When the IUD is just placed, it may lead to infection of anaerobic bacteria and cause pelvic inflammatory disease. And long-term placement of the IUD may also cause secondary infection in the body due to the IUD, which in turn may cause chronic inflammation.
4 , the spread of inflammation in peripheral organs
When women suffer from appendicitis and peritonitis, the pelvic cavity near these organs will also be infected, and the inflammation will directly spread to the pelvic cavity, causing pelvic inflammatory disease. In addition, some women with chronic cervicitis also cause pelvic inflammation through lymphatic circulation.
I got Pelvic inflammatory disease , what kind of discomfort will my body feel?
First of all, pelvic inflammatory disease can cause abnormal leucorrhea secretion in women , the specific manifestations are abnormal increase in leucorrhea, with peculiar smell, etc., and even purulent and bloody leucorrhea in some serious cases;
Secondly, women will experience abnormal pain in the lower abdomen . The pain is mostly persistent and dull, and it occurs in both sides of the lower abdomen. The pain in the early stage is usually not strong, and it will gradually become more and more serious with the development of the disease. Later, there may be a feeling of bulging in the waist and abdomen, and the symptoms will be more serious during menstruation and fatigue;
Third, early pelvic inflammatory disease can lead to increased menstrual blood volume and irregular vaginal bleeding in women , and those with a longer course of disease may also have amenorrhea and sparse menstruation.
These symptoms are caused by congestion in the pelvis, and pelvic inflammatory disease can also damage ovarian function, which can lead to abnormal estrogen secretion, which in turn can cause menstrual problems.
Fourth, in clinical practice, some women experience tubal adhesions due to pelvic inflammatory disease , which in turn leads to infertility. This situation requires active treatment of the primary disease, generally does not cause lifelong infertility.
After suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease, what harm will there be?
Under normal circumstances, if a woman still has symptoms of discomfort after being infected with pelvic inflammatory disease, she cannot have intercourse. Intercourse at this time will cause the woman's discomfort to become more severe and aggravate the progress of the disease.
It is recommended to wait until the condition is stabilized and the body has no symptoms before considering intercourse. Of course, the specific circumstances still have to follow the doctor's advice, don't make your own decisions.
As mentioned above, suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease will greatly affect the menstrual period of women, and may have abnormal menstrual flow, amenorrhea and other manifestations, and some patients will affect pregnancy because of pelvic inflammatory disease.
Some serious cases may also cause ovarian cysts, rupture, and a large number of bacteria entering the blood may cause systemic infection. For these patients, it is necessary to actively treat the primary disease. After the primary disease is cured, these uncomfortable symptoms will naturally resolve.
For women, to prevent the occurrence of pelvic inflammatory disease, it is necessary to do a good job of cleaning the private parts every day, especially during menstruation and when the body is relatively weak after pregnancy, so as to avoid infection at this time.
At the same time, pay attention to self-cleaning and do not change sexual partners frequently. When the body suffers from some other diseases, it should also be actively treated without delay.