
Provides you with an introduction to indoor and garden planting and daily care methods in different countries around the world.

How should edible lilies be grown?
How should edible lilies be grown?
2022-09-20 19:24

Lily is a perennial herb of the Liliaceae family. Edible lily is a kind of edible lily. There are many kinds on the market, such as dandelion lily, dragon ...

How to grow lilies in the garden?
How to grow lilies in the garden?
2022-09-20 19:20

Lily is a perennial herb that is a very common plant. Sex likes warm, humid, sunny places, cold and half shade resistant. Lilies can be grown in the gard...

How do lilies grow?
How do lilies grow?
2022-09-20 19:18

Plant lilies, use the rhizomes of lilies to dry slightly, sow in spring, suitable for roofs, water several times a week, non-detergents such as vegetable w...

What should you pay attention to when growing lilies?
What should you pay attention to when growing lilies?
2022-09-20 19:16

Lily is a very beautiful flower, and its meaning is also very good, it represents pure love, its name and its beautiful meaning, so it is welcomed by peopl...

What is the best environment for lilies to grow?
What is the best environment for lilies to grow?
2022-09-20 19:14

Lilies are short-day plants, and most species prefer cool, semi-shady climates. In fertile soil and well-drained humus-rich soil, their bulbs develop well...

What is the role of horticultural perlite?
What is the role of horticultural perlite?
2022-09-07 15:40

Perlite is a commonly used insulating material. The role of horticultural perlite is to loosen the soil and allow the exchange of water, air and fertilize...

How do daffodils perform hydroponics?
How do daffodils perform hydroponics?
2022-09-07 15:38

Carved daffodil is a crabgrass plant with curved leaves that can be carved to make the young buds of the daffodil flower stronger. Usually, the carved daf...

How to grow hyacinths using hydroponics?
How to grow hyacinths using hydroponics?
2022-09-07 15:36

Hyacinth is a perennial bulbous herb. It blooms only once a year. The flowering period is from March to April. Bend to the outside or sides. Hyacinths ca...

What is horticultural perlite?
What is horticultural perlite?
2022-09-07 15:32

Perlite is composed of perlite, biomite and turpentine. The difference between the two is that perlite is an arc-shaped fracture formed by condensation, th...

What are the functions of vermiculite?
What are the functions of vermiculite?
2022-08-17 12:14

Friends who like to grow flowers will contact or use vermiculite, especially in the process of planting, they will often use this kind of thing. So what i...

How to Grow Dwarf Sunflowers?
How to Grow Dwarf Sunflowers?
2022-08-15 16:46

Dwarf sunflower will bloom 3-4 months after sowing, it will grow better, and its growth cycle will be shorter, it will bloom better in areas with good natu...

How to use vermiculite planting soil?
How to use vermiculite planting soil?
2022-08-15 16:42

Vermiculite is a non-toxic inorganic mineral that expands at high temperatures. This is a relatively rare silicate mineral. Its crystalline structure is ...

What is the difference between vermiculite and perlite in planting?
What is the difference between vermiculite and perlite in planting?
2022-08-15 16:38

Vermiculite is mostly used as a seedling substrate and can be used as a substrate for seeds and cuttings. Using vermiculite to cultivate seedlings can not...

What should I pay attention to when growing dwarf sunflowers?
What should I pay attention to when growing dwarf sunflowers?
2022-08-15 16:36

The characteristic of sunflower is that the flower is shaped like the sun and has high ornamental value. Dwarf sunflower is a new potted plant, because it...

What is the difference between roses and roses?
What is the difference between roses and roses?
2022-08-11 22:42

Roses have obovate petals and come in a variety of colors all over the world. Roses are usually made into fresh cut flowers and made into bouquets to give...

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