How to grow lilies in the garden?


Lily is a perennial herb that is a very common plant. Sex likes warm, humid, sunny places, cold and half shade resistant. Lilies can be grown in the garden or in pots, so what should you do?

How to grow lilies in the garden?

When planting lilies, you should choose a sunny and sheltered place, and it is suitable for cultivation in a slightly shady place in the south. Use medium or large spherical balls with no pollution on the surface. One month after sowing, apply enough base fertilizer, then carry out deep ploughing, use compost and plant ash as base fertilizer, or apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers appropriately according to the characteristics of lilies. In order to facilitate the root system to absorb nutrients, the planting depth should be 3 to 4 times the diameter of the bulb. In the north, if the planting is too shallow, frost damage will occur in winter, and the growth of rhizomes and small bulbs will be adversely affected. Water after planting and mulch with film or leaves to maintain soil temperature and moisture. If possible, sprinkle sawdust over the planted ground for shade.

How to grow lilies in pots?

Lily flower pots should be deep pots with a diameter of 15 cm, 1 bulb per pot, or deep pots with a diameter of 20 cm, 3 per pot. The suitable ratio of mulch, garden soil and sand is 1:1:1; apply enough compost, a small amount of bone meal and plant ash to the bottom of the pot as the substrate. Before planting, disinfect the potting soil and bulbs with a 150-fold potassium permanganate solution. Typically, the planting depth is 3 times the diameter of the bulb. Water once after sowing and place in a cool and shady place to keep the pot soil moist. When the top buds emerge, move to a sunny balcony for cultivation.

In the process of potting, it should be rotated once a week, otherwise it will cause the growth of the plant, which will affect the appearance.

Precautions for lily care:

Matters needing attention 1. Watering method

Lilies like moist, dry soil without much water. The new roots of lilies are mainly stems of new shoots, which are shallow from the soil. It is particularly important to keep the soil moist.

Garden planting, as long as there is rain, it can meet the needs of growth, and it can only be properly watered when it is dry. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season.

The substrate of potted plants cannot lose water, and too much water can easily lead to rot.

Note 2, windproof

Whether it is a potted plant or a garden lily, it is necessary to avoid strong winds blowing the plant down, so as not to affect the appearance.

Matters needing attention 3. Fertilization period

Lilies don't need a lot of fertilizer, and are generally applied sparingly during spring budding and early flowering. Some foreign cultivators believe that lilies need a lot of N, K fertilizer, in the growth cycle, should be fertilized every 10 to 15 days, and at the same time, due to too much phosphorus fertilizer, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow. Increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers 1-2 times during the flowering period. In order to ensure that the bulbs are full, in order to reduce nutrition, the residual flowers should be pruned in time after flowering.

Matters needing attention 4. Soil condition

In the early stage of lily sowing, the water should be reduced as much as possible to make the soil dry, and after the leaves emerge, the amount of watering should be gradually increased to ensure that the soil is slightly moist. In the growing season and when flowering in April and May, more water should be used to keep the pot soil moist, and at the same time, water should be used to increase the humidity of the flower pot. However, after flowering and fruiting, care should be taken to control the water to avoid too much water and cause the rot of the bulbs. After dormancy, keep the potting soil dry. In winter, the temperature is lower and watering is less.