How should edible lilies be grown?


Lily is a perennial herb of the Liliaceae family. Edible lily is a kind of edible lily. There are many kinds on the market, such as dandelion lily, dragon tooth lily, and Lanzhou lily. Lily has the functions of invigorating qi, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, calming the nerves, and anti-cancer. It is a hot spot in the current market.

How to grow edible lilies?

Edible lilies must be planted in sunny fields with high terrain, good drainage conditions, deep soil and good soil fertility. Special attention should be paid to the fact that lilies cannot be rotated with crops such as onions and garlic, but legumes and grasses can be grown. Edible lilies have a low reproductive rate, so they require a large amount of seeds, and the investment in seeds is also high. Choose seeds with white color, no pitting, no bitterness, and large scales, sow them from the end of September to the beginning of October, and plant 300-400 kg of bulbs per hectare. When edible lily is sown to early March of the second year, ensure that the soil is dry and no weeds can grow.

Planting technology and planting technology of lily:

1. Soil selection and preparation

To choose a soft and fertile field, the soil should be turned over before planting, and the soil should be turned 25-30 cm, and then 5000-6000 catties of decomposed organic fertilizer and 50 catties of superphosphate should be used as base fertilizer, and 50% of the soil should be used. Diyanong 1.2 catties sterilizes the soil and improves the physical and chemical properties of the soil before planting lilies.

2. Planting method

Edible lilies are planted from the end of September to the beginning of October, with a row spacing of 40 cm × 30 cm, a planting density of 6,000 plants, and 300-400 kg of lily seeds. Use straw or leaves to saturate the water after sowing, and avoid water, because the seeds of edible lilies have to wait until the early spring of the next year, otherwise the seeds will rot.

3. Field work

In early spring, cover for 30 to 40 days, which can speed up the germination of lily seeds and increase yield. At the end of June, the bulbs of lilies grow slowly, and a foliar fertilizer of 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.3%-0.5% urea can be topdressed. In early July, a fertilization should be carried out, using 20 kilograms of high-quality compound fertilizer and adding 100 kilograms of water to prevent premature aging of edible lilies. At the same time, it is necessary to control aphids and viruses during the growing season.

Precautions for lily planting:

1. Time: July-September is the most suitable time, but due to the different weather in different places, it needs to be adjusted appropriately. At this time, the temperature is between 16-24 degrees, which is very favorable for its growth.

2. Choose seeds: Choose a healthy seed. If the root of the seed shows signs of rot, or there is a new root system, you need to put the seed in the disinfectant. Soak for about 20 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

3. Sowing: Sow the treated seeds in the soil when sowing, and bury all the parts above the sprouts in the soil, so that the seeds are in full contact with the seeds. After planting, pay attention to watering and keep the soil moist.

4. Technology: When planting, keep the distance between the bulbs, not too close, otherwise it will affect the growth of the seeds.

5. After the maintenance of lilies, proper pruning should be carried out, which can not only promote the growth of new shoots, but also reduce the consumption of nutrients. Generally prune away dead and dead branches after flowering, as well as those that are lush. In addition, pay more attention to less watering and more sunshine in daily life.