How to Grow Dwarf Sunflowers?


Dwarf sunflower will bloom 3-4 months after sowing, it will grow better, and its growth cycle will be shorter, it will bloom better in areas with good natural conditions, so if you need to know , please read the following carefully.

Habits of dwarf sunflowers:

Dwarf sunflower is a perennial plant, which does not have high requirements on temperature and soil. It can be planted in large quantities in China. It can be planted with confidence in spring, summer and autumn, and the probability of germination is very high, generally around 70%. .

Dwarf sunflower flowering period:

The flower color of the dwarf sunflower is light yellow, which can be mixed with other flowers. It is very ornamental. When blooming, it depends on the light. If the light is sufficient and there is a lot of rain, the flowering time will be prolonged and the flowering will be more dense.

When will dwarf sunflowers be sown ?

Generally speaking, sunflowers bloom in April, July and August, and the seeds mature in August, September and September. In fact, the secret to the ability of sunflowers to bloom year-round is "accumulation of temperature". That is, when the plants are growing and the temperature reaches a certain level, they will flower. It usually takes 6-9 days from the beginning of the ligulate flowers to the full opening of the tubular flowers. The flowering time of this flower is from the next day to the 5th day. During these 4 days, about 75% of the blooms are open. Flowering from 4 am to 6 am, pollination and fertilization the next morning. Unfertilized shoots can survive 7-10 days without dying. The self-pollinated seed setting rate of sunflower is very low, only 3%, while the cross-pollinated seed setting rate is very high.

Can dwarf sunflowers bear sunflower seeds?

Sunflowers naturally produce sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds not only treat insomnia, but also enhance memory. Sunflower seeds are a kind of nut that contains a lot of fat and energy. Sunflower seeds will become piping hot after being stir-fried. Sunflower seeds will not only cause calorie consumption, but also cause anger.

Dwarf sunflower planting requirements:

1. Temperature requirements

Dwarf sunflowers should be planted at a suitable temperature, generally between 15-20°C. Spring is the best time for sowing, because there is more rain and the temperature will not be too high, which is of great help to the growth of seeds. .

2. Requirements for growing environment

Dwarf sunflowers are more suitable for warm climates and require sufficient sunlight and sufficient water, which provides a basic guarantee for its healthy growth. Dwarf sunflowers have low soil requirements and grow well from acidic to alkaline.

3. Requirements for selecting seeds

It is required to select good seeds before sowing. Good quality seeds have a higher probability of germination, and then select new varieties that are mature, full and intact for sowing. Whether it is in the garden or in the yard, it can be planted. The height of the plant Can exceed 40 cm. This plant germinates very quickly.

4. Requirements for maintenance management

Dwarf sunflowers need a lot of water, so water them in time, keep the soil moist, and water them well each time, but avoid stagnant water. In addition, when planting dwarf sunflowers, you must give enough fertilizer. The chemical fertilizer can be phosphate fertilizer or potash fertilizer. During the growth process, top dressing should be carried out once a month, and the fertilizer used is diluted phosphorus and potassium.

At present, there are relatively few dwarf sunflower sellers on the market, and the dwarf sunflower seeds they supply are not of high quality, with small quantities and high prices. But if your finances allow it, growing dwarf sunflowers in your garden is indeed a great option.