How to grow hyacinths using hydroponics?


Hyacinth is a perennial bulbous herb. It blooms only once a year. The flowering period is from March to April. Bend to the outside or sides. Hyacinths can be grown by soil and hydroponics, which are simple and convenient. Many people are confused about how hyacinth is grown. What is the hydroponics method of hyacinth? Today, the editor will introduce to you the steps of hydroponics of hyacinth and the problems that need to be paid attention to.

Hyacinth hydroponics steps:

Step 1. Pre-treatment for hydroponics: culture in a glass cup or a special glass bottle. The bottle is divided into upper and lower parts. The glass can be made of lead wire as a tray, and the glass can be hung from the mouth of the glass. Add water to the bottle, you can add a piece of charcoal to the water to prevent the smell.

Step 2. Hydroponics of hyacinth The second step is to pick a huge bulb, place it five centimeters away from the opening of the cup, soak it in water, and place it in the sun.

Step 3. When the buds grow to 5 cm, put them in a cool, ventilated and ventilated place with a temperature of 9-13 ℃, and do it once a week to determine whether it needs to be supplemented with water.

Step 4. When the bud is 8cm from the seed (about 10-12 weeks), fill it up and put it in a warm room. Always soak the club in water.

Step 5. When the leaves and buds sprout, let the leaves and stems become strong in the sun for one to two hours a day. This is a very important little trick for hyacinth hydroponics, which is to adjust every day. One direction, so as to avoid its future growth.

Step 6. In the environment of 17~20℃, you can enjoy the growth and color of flower buds. However, don't place them directly in the heat, as it will keep the pretty hyacinths blooming longer.

Step 7. Without fertilization, it will bloom in March and April next year, and the flowers are fragrant.

Step 8. When the flowers of the hyacinth have withered, pull it out by the roots and plant it in a pot. When the leaves are dry, bury it and plant it again in the next year.

The influence of hydroponics on hyacinth:

1. The choice of vase is very important. The mouth of the vase should not be too large, and it must have enough bearing capacity. It is best to use a professional vase.

2. Hyacinth is easy to rot, so in the process of cultivation, the water should not exceed the spherical shape, it is best to let its surface touch the spherical shape.

3. Do not overwater, otherwise it will damage the root system. After a few days, the water will evaporate and the water level will drop, and if the water level drops, it will be negligible. When the root system of the hyacinth begins to return to normal, the water level can be lowered to about 2/3.

4. The bulbs should not be directly exposed to the sun before germination. After germination, they should be placed in a place with sufficient light, ventilation and sunlight to promote their growth.

Flowering period of hyacinth:

Hyacinth can bloom once a year, from March to April every year, its natural flowering period is from March to April, after flowering, the incomplete flowers must be trimmed, and then the seeds are taken out of the soil, disinfected and soaked, and then Transplant into new soil and move to a cool, ventilated place after planting. Usually by the end of the year, the seeds will germinate and bloom again the following spring.

This is all about the hydroponics of hyacinths, if you are interested in growing hyacinths, you can try this hydroponics method.