How do lilies grow?


Plant lilies, use the rhizomes of lilies to dry slightly, sow in spring, suitable for roofs, water several times a week, non-detergents such as vegetable washing water, do not need weeding or care, germinate naturally, bloom, and form Scale roots, the north is yang, the shade is cool, and can be in the south. The best time for planting is August-September. Before planting lilies, we must first understand the growth habits of lilies.

Habits of lilies:

Lilies are suitable for planting in an environment of 15-25°C. During the growth period, the temperature is 21~23℃ during the day and 15~17℃ at night. Planted bulbs should be stored at low temperature for 4-6 weeks at 7-10°C.

Lilies need a certain amount of humidity to encourage stem and leaf growth. Soil that is too wet, waterlogged, or poorly drained can cause lily bulbs to rot and die. As the lily grows, the watering of potted plants should be gradually increased. After flowering, there should be enough water. After flowering, attention should be paid to controlling the water. After the ground part withers, watering should be stopped in time. Potting soil that is too wet can also cause bulb rot.

Lily likes sunshine. It is also resistant to strong light and partial shade. If there is not enough light, it will cause the drop of flower buds, which will reduce the number of flower buds. Adequate light, sturdy plants and bright lilies. Lilies are long-day plants that can boost the light for up to 6 hours a day, allowing them to bloom earlier. If the light time is reduced, flowering will be delayed.

Requires fertile, loose, well-drained loam with a pH value of 5.5-6.5. The best potting soil is leaf mulch, culture soil and coarse sandy soil.

Planting time of lilies:

The growth time of lilies is from July to September, and the specific situation depends on the weather in the region. The temperature is best when the temperature is 16-24 degrees Celsius. Pick good seeds, soak them in sterilized water, wash them, and plant the seeds into the soil. One plant should be planted in each pot, otherwise it will affect the growth of the plant.

Lily planting precautions:

When planting lilies, you must first choose plump and firm bulbs. Different lily varieties have certain differences in the number of buds.

Potted lilies usually use 15-18 cm pots with 3 bulbs per pot, and the lilies will form dense flower clusters when they bloom. During the planting process, broken bricks are usually laid on the bottom of the pot, then covered with soil, and the top bud of the bulb is 2 cm away from the pot mouth. Now the germination ball in the Netherlands is used for germination, and its top must be exposed. If it does not germinate, the bulbs can be placed in a frame of wood chips, placed in an environment of 8-23 ° C, and germinated in about 4-5 days. During the growing period, pay attention to maintaining the humidity of the potting soil, applying high potassium nitrate in 20-8-20 seasons, or 15-15-30 pots of specialized flower fertilizers. Under the conditions of maintaining 21°C during the day and 15°C at night, it will flower in about 90~100 days, and the potted plants can be placed in an environment of 10~12°C to prolong the flowering time.

One month before planting lilies, make a full base fertilizer, and then carry out deep ploughing. You can use compost and plant ash as the base fertilizer.

During the growing season, row tillage should not be used to remove weeds, otherwise it will cause damage to the roots. Sawdust can be sprinkled over the planted ground to cover the soil. This method can effectively inhibit the growth of weeds, retain moisture, and facilitate the development of bulbs.