What should I pay attention to when growing dwarf sunflowers?


The characteristic of sunflower is that the flower is shaped like the sun and has high ornamental value. Dwarf sunflower is a new potted plant, because its flower shape is particularly popular with everyone. The following are the precautions on how to grow dwarf sunflower, don't miss it.


Precautions for dwarf sunflower cultivation 1. Sowing

Make a small hole in the ground and put the seeds in, you don't need too many seeds, just one or two, then cover with dirt. When sprouting, water once a day, as long as there is enough water, it will be fine.

Precautions for dwarf sunflower cultivation 2. Lighting

The dwarf sunflower likes to be in the sun, but it can't be in the sun for a long time, otherwise it will lack water, and as it grows, it needs more water, so the soil cannot be cracked.

Precautions for dwarf sunflower cultivation 3. Watering

Planting dwarf sunflowers requires a lot of water, especially in spring, summer and summer, the evaporation rate of the plant is very fast, once the water is short, the leaves and petals of the plant will wither obviously. Therefore, water at the right time. Make sure the soil is always moist. Water thoroughly every time, but avoid standing water.


Precautions for dwarf sunflower cultivation 4. Reproduction

Unlike other flowers, the dwarf sunflower produces seeds that can be planted the following year.

Precautions for dwarf sunflower cultivation 5. Prevention and control of pests and diseases

The main hazards are powdery mildew and black spot. Powdery mildew occurs when white, round powdery spots appear on the leaves, which expand to form a patch, which stagnates the growth of the entire plant. When black spot occurs, dark brown or yellowish spots will appear on the leaves, and in severe cases, the leaves will turn black and die. When pests occur, it can be controlled with 500 times of 75% chlorothalonil WP or 800 times of 70% thiophanate-methyl. The pests are mainly stink bugs and Trichogramma, and the commonly used insecticide is 800 times dimethoate EC.


When will the dwarf sunflower bloom? How to get the best blooming effect?

There are many types of dwarf sunflowers, which can be divided into edible sunflowers and ornamental sunflowers. Dwarf sunflowers, like most sunflowers, are planted in the spring, blooming in May and continuing through October.

1. Plant dwarf sunflowers in spring

Dwarf sunflowers are planted by seed, usually in March and April in spring, but in fact, they can also be planted in May and June in summer. Only in summer, the flowering period is also very short due to the shorter growth cycle of the seeds.


2. Dwarf sunflowers like wet conditions

Dwarf sunflowers are usually planted in pots, because they like a humid environment and need frequent watering, but pay attention to watering when watering to avoid various diseases. Because they love the sun, keep them under the sun often.

3. The adaptability of dwarf sunflower to various soils

Dwarf sunflowers can grow in rich soil as well as in barren land. But in daily planting, it is necessary to fertilize frequently, so as to keep the flowering effect in the best state.

Dwarf sunflowers can be used as garden decoration, and the fruit can be used as food. Its planting technology is very simple, just pay attention to the above points. If you want to grow sunflowers, you can try dwarf sunflowers.