7 Myths About Mental Health


Many people think that physical health is mental health, which is one of the typical misconceptions about mental health. As early as 1981, the International Health Organization pointed out that health not only refers to physical health, but also includes mental health and good social adaptability. So a person should be physically and mentally healthy. Besides, what other mistakes do you have? Let's find out together.


Misunderstanding 1: Those who are sick will go to psychological counseling

Many people think that the people who go to counseling are sick people. In fact, a large part of the people who seek counseling are normal mentally healthy people, because in life they often encounter problems that they cannot solve and seek help. Happy knot, and people who really suffer from mental illness often need to carry out psychotherapy.

Misunderstanding 2: If you don’t change your mind, you will be mentally healthy

There are many forms of mental unhealthy. Some people's misunderstanding is that no perversion is mental health. In fact, perversion is only an extreme form. Status can be represented by three areas: white area, gray area, black area. Being in the white area is healthy, being in the black area is abnormal, and the gray area can be converted between black and white. If the gray is adjusted properly, it will become white, and if it is not properly adjusted, it will develop into black. So people who just don't change are not necessarily healthy.


Misunderstanding 3: Psychological counseling will tell you what to do

The goal of counseling is not to give advice to the seeker, and sometimes it won't tell you what to do directly, but to let the seeker see their own problems, realize that they have the ability to solve problems, and find ways and means to solve them.

Misunderstanding 4: Psychological problems only happen to a few people

Psychological problems can occur at different times in a person's life. And everyone can have, just more or less problems.

Misunderstanding 5: It is a shame to go to psychological counseling

Many people feel that it is embarrassing to go to counseling, which is a big misunderstanding. Psychological counseling is very common all over the world, but people may not know enough about it, which may be one of the reasons for this misunderstanding. In addition, many people do not trust the consulting doctor and think it is something that is deceptive and unreliable. This is also a misunderstanding.


Misunderstanding 6: Psychological consultation is just chatting

Psychological counseling conversations are essentially different from aimless chats. In addition to conversations, other methods such as tests and music interventions are also used to help the seekers.

Misunderstanding 7: Psychological consultation can be solved once

Many people's lack of understanding of psychological counseling has led people to have high expectations, believing that all psychological problems can be solved by one and a half times of counseling. In fact, problems often cannot be solved with one or two consultations. Because it is impossible to expect a quick recovery from a mental problem like a physical illness. The length of time for problem solving generally depends on two factors, one is the degree of cooperation of the seeker; the other is the course of the disease and the degree of generalization. The longer the problem is formed, the greater the impact on the life of the seeker. The longer it takes to get up, different from physical diseases, the solution of the problem requires interaction with the psychological counselor. Of course this cannot be done all at once. Of course, not all psychological problems require multiple consultations and treatments, and simple problems can be completed at one time.