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What happens if you insist on washing your hair with
What happens if you insist on washing your hair with "sulfur soap"?
2022-09-15 13:46

Many elderly people like sulfur soap because it is cheap and does not have a particularly strong fragrance. I don’t know when it started, even young people...

Can drinking red wine every day soften blood vessels?
Can drinking red wine every day soften blood vessels?
2022-09-10 10:44

In the folk, there has been a saying that "a glass of red wine a day can soften blood vessels". Is there any scientific basis for it? First, blood ...

Are moon cakes a high-sugar and high-fat food?
Are moon cakes a high-sugar and high-fat food?
2022-09-09 20:52

The mid-autumn festival coincides with the crisp autumn days. This is not only a good day for family reunion, but also delicious moon cakes. Whether you ...

Why can't you drink milk and eat fruit on an empty stomach?
Why can't you drink milk and eat fruit on an empty stomach?
2022-09-09 20:48

1. Medically, how long does it take to be fasting? Before understanding this problem, we need to know the capacity of the stomach. The normal sto...

What is the role of horticultural perlite?
What is the role of horticultural perlite?
2022-09-07 15:40

Perlite is a commonly used insulating material. The role of horticultural perlite is to loosen the soil and allow the exchange of water, air and fertilize...

How do daffodils perform hydroponics?
How do daffodils perform hydroponics?
2022-09-07 15:38

Carved daffodil is a crabgrass plant with curved leaves that can be carved to make the young buds of the daffodil flower stronger. Usually, the carved daf...

How to grow hyacinths using hydroponics?
How to grow hyacinths using hydroponics?
2022-09-07 15:36

Hyacinth is a perennial bulbous herb. It blooms only once a year. The flowering period is from March to April. Bend to the outside or sides. Hyacinths ca...

What is horticultural perlite?
What is horticultural perlite?
2022-09-07 15:32

Perlite is composed of perlite, biomite and turpentine. The difference between the two is that perlite is an arc-shaped fracture formed by condensation, th...

How to remove plaque?
How to remove plaque?
2022-09-04 18:10

Since the oral cavity is a bacterial environment, everyone will have dental plaque. Over time, the combination of dental plaque and minerals in saliva will ...

What should I do if I forgot to take my medicine?
What should I do if I forgot to take my medicine?
2022-09-04 18:06

With the continuous growth of age, many elderly people will have some problems such as three highs and cardiovascular diseases. For these chronic diseases, ...

Can the toilet flush toilet paper directly?
Can the toilet flush toilet paper directly?
2022-09-04 18:04

Walking into the cubicle of the public toilet, there is often a small paper basket next to the toilet, which is full of yellow and white things, not only t...

Can you wipe your mouth with toilet paper that wipes your ass?
Can you wipe your mouth with toilet paper that wipes your ass?
2022-09-04 18:02

Paper towels are a daily necessities in every household. People often pull a piece of paper to wipe their mouths after eating. Many people are confuse...

Why are men more prone to foot odor?
Why are men more prone to foot odor?
2022-09-03 17:26

Foot odor affects a person's external image very much. When wearing slippers in public places, many people will smell foot odor, which will give people a ve...

How to fall asleep fast?
How to fall asleep fast?
2022-09-01 18:02

Many office workers and student parties have the habit of taking naps, so that they can have better energy and state to devote themselves to their studies ...

What causes yellow teeth?
What causes yellow teeth?
2022-08-31 13:26

With good-looking facial features and learning makeup skills, you can present your beautiful self. But when he laughed, his yellow teeth greatly reduced h...