Why are men more prone to foot odor?


Foot odor affects a person's external image very much. When wearing slippers in public places, many people will smell foot odor, which will give people a very bad impression. Although men and women are equal to foot odor, men are more prone to foot odor than women.
Why are men more prone to foot odor than women?
1. Men are more likely to sweat
Compared with women, men's sweat glands are more developed. Men sweat more than women. Men tend to exercise more and exercise more, so men's feet are more likely to sweat. If the feet sweat a lot, the bacteria on the feet will break down the keratin protein, and it is easy to form foot odor.
2. Reasons for wearing shoes
Women wear shoes in a variety of ways. Most of the shoes are very breathable. If the shoes are breathable, it is not easy to sweat, and it is not easy to produce foot odor. Men usually wear sneakers or leather shoes, which have poor ventilation. When you sweat a lot, the generated gas can't circulate well, and if you take off your shoes, there will be a very smelly foot odor.
3. Reasons for personal hygiene habits
Many men don't do a good job of hygiene. Especially for some men, a pair of shoes is worn for a long time without brushing and changing, let alone changing and washing socks every day, so foot odor is inevitable. And some men don't like to wash their feet and don't take a bath, so the smell of feet will be more serious.
Men How can I solve the problem of foot odor?
1. Wash your feet every day
If you want to relieve foot odor, you must do a good job of hygiene and wash your feet every day. Soaking your feet before going to bed can not only make yourself more hygienic, but also promote sleep. When washing your feet, you can put a few sachets or traditional Chinese medicine bags, which will be more effective to solve the problem of foot odor.
2. Breathable shoes
Shoes that need to penetrate air at all times, if the foot odor is very serious, when choosing shoes, you must put this standard in the first place.
3. Change socks every day
Socks are in close contact with the skin of people's feet. When feet sweat, socks will become wet, which will become an excellent place for fungus and bacteria to breed, and people are prone to athlete's foot.
4. Do not wear shoes with bare feet
Men themselves are prone to sweating. At this time, wearing shoes with bare feet will make the sweating more serious, which will make the whole shoe a humid and wet environment, which is easy to breed bacteria and cause foot odor.
Foot odor, although I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed, but after all, it will affect my image. I hope everyone can take it seriously, whether men or women, pay attention.
What to use for foot odor
1. Soak feet with salt water
Every household has table salt, which is a great tool for treating foot odor. Put 100 grams of salt into 1000 ml of hot water and soak your feet after the salt dissolves. This is a very effective way to treat foot odor.
2. Soak feet with vinegar
Vinegar is also a seasoning in everyone's kitchen, and it can also help us get rid of foot odor. Pour 10 ml of rice vinegar into the foot soaking water, soak your feet for 15 minutes while it is warm, once a day, and you can see the effect after 3 or 4 days.
3. Soak feet with baking soda
When soaking feet, add 10 grams of baking soda powder to the foot soaking water, wait for the baking soda powder to dissolve, stir well and soak your feet for 15 minutes, mainly soaking twice a week, can relieve foot odor very well.
4. Soak feet with alum
Some people may be unfamiliar with alum. Alum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Alum has the effects of relieving itching, detoxification, drying dampness, and can treat foot odor. Add 50 grams of alum to the foot soaking water, dissolve and soak your feet for 10 minutes.
5. Soak feet with beer
Beer can be used to treat foot odor. Before using beer to treat foot odor, we should wash our feet first, then pour the beer into the footbath, soak the feet in the beer for 20 minutes, and then rinse. Foot odor can be effectively relieved by soaking your feet with beer once or twice a week.
6. Soak feet with salt and ginger water
Soaking feet in salt water can treat foot odor, in fact, you can also add a few slices of ginger. Pour salt and ginger into water, heat it for a few minutes, and then use it to wash your feet. This will not only treat foot odor, but also help sleep, relieve fatigue, and treat colds.
7. Soak feet with wax gourd slices
Winter melon is a summer food to cool off. At the same time, winter melon also has the effects of dampness and spleen. Boiled feet with winter melon peel can treat athlete's foot and relieve foot odor.
8. Soak feet with soybean water
Soybeans are also a common food at home, and soaking your feet with soybean water is very effective in treating foot odor. The specific method is to crush 150 grams of soybeans in a blender, add water and cook on low heat for 20 minutes. When the water temperature is suitable, soak your feet. It can treat foot odor and make your feet skin moisturizing.
9. Soak feet with kudzu
Take 15 grams of kudzu root, 15 grams of white wine, grind kudzu root into fine powder, mix with white wine, add water for a while, soak your feet when the water temperature is suitable, once a day, it can effectively remove foot odor after a week.