What happens if you insist on washing your hair with "sulfur soap"?


Many elderly people like sulfur soap because it is cheap and does not have a particularly strong fragrance. I don’t know when it started, even young people have started to pay attention to sulfur soap. There are more and more rumors on the Internet that it is good to wash hair with sulfur soap. It is said that washing hair with sulfur soap can effectively control oil, protect the scalp, and prevent hair loss. Wait. So what is the truth? Let's find out together.
1. What exactly is sulfur soap?
Sulfur soap is a medicated soap that contains sulfur. Contains sulphur ingredients to cleanse the oil and dandruff of the skin. After using it, it has anti-dandruff, anti-itching, and refreshing effects on the skin. It belongs to the skin-healthy product.
After application, it can remove stains on the body, as well as fungi, bacteria, mites, etc., and has a good effect on skin health. It is recommended to use sulfur soap, preferably no more than 2 times a week.
If the situation is not serious, once a week or twice a month. Excessive application can cause dry, itchy skin and aggravate the appearance of itching.
Second, is sulfur soap acidic or alkaline
Most sulfur soaps are alkaline and can remove oil and dirt from the skin.
Human skin often secretes oil and sweat. At this time, alkaline soap or sulfur soap can be used to clean the oil and dirt of the skin. At the same time, it can also achieve the effect of treating the skin.
3. Can sulfur soap be used to wash my face?
Sulfur soap can wash your face, but after all, sulfur soap is a strong acid preparation, so you should not wash your face too frequently.
If it is too frequent, the stratum corneum of the skin, especially the stratum corneum of the face, will be damaged due to excessive oxidation, and certain symptoms of facial dryness and peeling will appear.
So sulfur soap can wash your face, but you can't wash your face often. Generally, sulfur soap is used to wash the face, mainly to remove oil and grease from the face.
It has certain therapeutic and preventive effects on facial seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis.
So sulfur soap can be used, but must not be abused.
Fourth, what happens if you insist on using "sulfur soap" to wash your hair? May be able to improve 5 major scalp problems, early knowledge and early benefits
1. Relieve dandruff
The growth of dandruff can be described as a major indirect factor that affects the image of personal charm. Although chemical hair care products are used, and shampooing once in the morning and evening cannot fundamentally reduce the occurrence of dandruff.
You might as well try the method of shampooing your hair with sulfur soap to take care of the health of your own skin and hair follicles, which can effectively expel the oil components retained in the dermis layer from the body in time.
2. The amount of hair oil is reduced
Due to the excessive secretion of scalp oil, people's hair often appears greasy in two or three days. If you don't wash your hair in time for a long time, it will make the hair more greasy and sloppy.
After the hair is oily, you can try washing your hair with sulfur soap, because sulfur soap contains certain medicinal ingredients, which can unclog pores and make the skin more dry.
Using it regularly to wash your hair can delay the occurrence of inhibitory dermatitis, reduce the greasy feeling of the hair, and reduce the secretion of oil.
3. Relieve hair loss
Hair loss is more and more common in modern people, but the reasons for hair loss are different, mainly divided into external factors and internal factors.
Internal factors may be due to frequent use of the brain, resulting in insufficient brain nutrients, leading to symptoms of hair loss. External factors mainly refer to long-term adherence to unhealthy living habits and long-term unhealthy living habits.
Not washing your hair for a long time can cause a lot of oil on the scalp, which can lead to hair loss. At this time, you can wash your hair with sulfur soap. It can not only decompose oil, but also inhibit the secretion of oil, which has obvious effect on relieving hair loss.
4. The scalp is no longer itchy
Some people often can't help scratching their hair with their hands, and when they scratch their scalps, they will lose a lot of dandruff. After insisting on shampooing with sulfur soap, not only the scalp is not itchy, but also the hair becomes jet black and shiny.
The reason why the hair is itchy is because a lot of bacteria grow on the scalp, and the scalp is inflamed. Washing the hair with sulfur soap can play an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.
5. Small acne on the head disappeared
Some people often feel some small pimples in their hair, which are painful, itchy, and easily lead to infection. Most of this is because of the pimples that appear because the mites produce garbage and clog the pores.
Sulfur soap can sterilize and remove mites. For small acne problems in the scalp, don't scratch it casually. You may wish to use sulfur soap to wash your hair, which may produce unexpected results.
Washing hair with sulfur soap is good for our human body, but not everyone can use sulfur soap to wash hair, we must pay attention.