Do I need calcium supplements to take birth control pills for a long time?


The contraceptive pill has an effective rate of 99.9% and is a popular contraceptive method. It not only prevents unwanted pregnancy and protects women from harm, but it is also a therapeutic drug. However, "it's a three-point drug", and taking too many hormone drugs such as birth control pills will not only have a negative impact on endocrine, but also cause harm to women's bones and skin. Therefore, women who take birth control pills for a long time need calcium supplementation.

In fact, the main component of oral contraceptives is progesterone or estrogen, which promotes the detachment of the endometrial lining and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg, thereby achieving contraceptive effect. In addition, it also has the effect of achieving contraception by inhibiting ovulation.

However, long-term use of birth control pills will affect the strength of bones, reduce bone density, and accelerate osteoporosis. Therefore, women who take contraceptives for a long time should pay attention to calcium supplementation.

Calcium supplement for women

Calcium supplementation, for adult women, eating high-calcium foods, such as small shrimp, milk, eggs, etc. Especially milk, can not only supplement calcium, but also supplement protein, vitamin B family, and help women's beauty and anti-aging. Some experimental data show that women's waistline will shrink after drinking milk for a long time.

For Asian women who are beautiful in white, calcium supplementation should not only eat calcium-containing foods, but also pay attention to the sun. Effective calcium supplementation requires the participation of vitamin D. If vitamin D is lacking, bone headaches, joint pains, weak resistance and obesity will soon occur.

More than 90% of vitamin D comes from the skin exposed to ultraviolet rays, so women should pay attention to sun exposure for calcium supplementation.

Other drugs containing hormones can also promote the occurrence of osteoporosis.

In this case, you must remember to take calcium supplements. In addition to dietary calcium supplements, you need to take calcium tablets when necessary.

In addition, thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones, etc. can also affect bone health. In addition to calcium supplementation, pay attention to the side effects of long-term use of calcium tablets, such as belching, constipation and other problems.

Regarding hormone drugs, although they have serious side effects, the fact that they can cure diseases cannot be ignored.

Such as contraceptives, can treat uterine ectopic, irregular menstruation, less menstrual flow and other effects.

What are the side effects of women taking birth control pills

1. Dizziness, weakness, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting. It usually happens when you start taking birth control pills. When this kind of reaction occurs, on the one hand, you can drink some strong tea, chew some sugar ginger, and pickles; on the other hand, you should insist on taking the medicine according to the regulations. As the body adapts to the medicine, the reaction will gradually disappear. Individual women have severe reactions, and they can take some drugs that inhibit the reaction, such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, compound aluminum hydroxide tablets or yeast tablets, and take them together with birth control pills.

2, leucorrhea increased, thin. It often occurs after taking long-acting contraceptives, and generally does not require treatment. If there is too much leucorrhea, you can put a traditional Chinese medicine tape stopper in the vagina every night.

3. Intermittent vaginal bleeding. It often occurs after missing contraceptive pills. Generally, as long as you continue to take the pills on time, the bleeding can stop and the menstrual period will be normal. Of course, you can also ask the doctor to adjust the medicine, and you can also change to other contraceptives.

4, menorrhagia, or even amenorrhea. This condition has little effect on physical health and is often temporary. If you have amenorrhea for 3 consecutive months, you should stop taking the contraceptive pill, take other contraceptive measures, and wait for the menstruation to resume on its own before continuing to take the pill. If you still do not have menstruation within 1 month after you stop taking contraceptives, you should ask your doctor to use megestrol, compound progesterone or menstrual tablets and other drugs to stimulate menstruation according to the inspection situation, and then you should use other contraceptives.