What are the symptoms of female hypothyroidism?


Hypothyroidism, also known as hypothyroidism, is a clinical syndrome that occurs mainly due to the lack of thyroid hormones in the human body, resulting in a decline in the body's metabolic activity. Embryonic or infancy onset can seriously affect the growth and development of the patient's body and brain, which may eventually lead to dementia and dwarfism. Hypothyroidism often occurs in women, and once there is hypothyroidism, it will undoubtedly bring great harm to women's health, and even have a great impact on their offspring and children, so female patients must have a good understanding of the symptoms of hypothyroidism and how to deal with it. The impact of women so that the disease can be detected and prevented in time.

What are the symptoms of female hypothyroidism

Symptoms 1. Special face. The face is swollen, the complexion is pale and sallow, the eyes are sluggish, the eyelids are swollen, the words are taciturn, the expression is cold, the speech is hoarse, and the words are slurred. This is especially important for women with hypothyroidism.

Symptoms 2. Anorexia and abdominal distension After suffering from hypothyroidism, patients will become more and more anorexia, feel abdominal distension, constipation, body cold and other manifestations.

Symptoms 3. The menstrual cycle of patients with hypothyroidism is often irregular, and the cycle is mostly prolonged, but there are also those who are shortened, the menstrual flow is reduced, and even amenorrhea may occur, and the chance of conception is very small. 80% of female patients with hypothyroidism are affected by sexual function, and it is difficult to cause sexual excitement.

Symptoms 4, prone to miscarriage premature delivery. Hypothyroidism can cause maternal miscarriage, placental abruption, premature birth, perinatal fetal death and other adverse birth events. Severe cases will also lead to female coma, which is also a more common symptom of female hypothyroidism.

Symptoms 5. Complications occur. Hypothyroidism can easily lead to various serious complications, such as heart disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, premature ovarian failure, diabetes and so on.

Symptoms 6. Endocrine disorders In hypothyroidism, the adrenal cortex function is low, and blood and urine cortisol are reduced. Primary hypothyroidism can sometimes be accompanied by autoimmune adrenal insufficiency and type I diabetes.


How does hypothyroidism affect women?

1. Endangering women's health

Hypothyroidism is a systemic disease that affects various organs and systems of patients. The initial symptoms of female patients with hypothyroidism are not obvious, but will gradually make female patients suffer from physical dysfunction, lethargy and other uncomfortable symptoms, which will cause a series of complications such as menstrual disorders, heart failure and even infertility.

Two , resulting in a decline in the IQ of offspring

Some data show that babies born to women with hypothyroidism are more likely to suffer from certain diseases, most of which are intellectual and developmental problems. Because the symptoms of hypothyroid patients are not obvious when the disease is mild, it is easy to be confused with the pregnancy reaction, and it is not easy to be diagnosed, which leads to a low treatment rate and ultimately affects the IQ of the fetus.

Third, increase the chance of birth defects in children

Women with thyroid disease are more likely to have offspring with kidney, heart or brain abnormalities, new research finds. Therefore, female patients with hypothyroidism should carefully choose pregnancy, or do a good job in pregnancy inspection to determine the normality of the fetus.

Fourth, emotional problems

Women with hypothyroidism are more likely to be short-tempered, which has a negative impact on the quality of life of the family. Therefore, it is suggested that female patients should maintain a good attitude, timely and actively carry out regular and reasonable treatment, develop good eating and rest habits, and regularly review to improve their quality of life.

Five , image crisis

Patients with hypothyroidism will have dry skin, dry hair and fall off, which seriously affects the appearance, and makes women more psychologically stressed and even has inferiority complex.
