What are the symptoms of estrogen deficiency in women?


Estrogen, also known as estrogen, is a major female hormone and plays a very important role in maintaining women's health. It is not only the umbrella of the female reproductive system, but also maintains the bones, cardiovascular system, urinary system and nervous system. of health.
However, with the increase of age, the secretion of estrogen in women's body will gradually decrease.
1. Symptoms of estrogen deficiency
1. Skin deterioration
Estrogen can make women's skin more plump. Once the secretion of estrogen is insufficient, the loss of collagen will accelerate, resulting in worsening skin condition, resulting in problems such as enlarged pores, deepened wrinkles, and sagging contours.
2. Breast relaxation
If women have more estrogen in their bodies, the breast tissue will develop better, and the breasts will be fuller, rounder and more elastic. Conversely, if the secretion of estrogen is insufficient, the breast tissue is prone to atrophy, resulting in sagging breasts.
3. Menstrual disorders
If the secretion of estrogen in a woman’s body is insufficient, the endometrium will not be able to renew and fall off normally, which will easily induce menstrual disorders, too little menstrual blood, early menopause and other problems, and even cause gynecological problems.
4. Mood swings
If the level of estrogen in a woman’s body is relatively low, her mood swings will be relatively large, and she can’t control her temper in daily life, and it is easy to get angry, irritable, and depressed.
Second, if estrogen is insufficient, stop eating these 6 types of food
1. High sugar food
Under normal circumstances, eating a moderate amount of foods high in sugar can stimulate the body to secrete dopamine and make you feel happier.
However, if a woman already has the problem of insufficient estrogen secretion, and she also consumes a large amount of high-sugar foods for a long time, it will not only cause blood sugar fluctuations, break the balance of the endocrine system, further reduce the secretion of estrogen, cause obesity, and exacerbate endocrine imbalance.
2. High-fat food
Like high-sugar foods, high-fat foods are also a great temptation to gourmet, but long-term intake of too much fat can easily lead to an increase in body fat content;
This will not only affect the stability of women's endocrine, but also lead to a decline in the body's metabolic rate, induce various metabolic diseases in women, and is not conducive to the recovery of estrogen levels.
3. Red meat food
Healthy people eat a little red meat properly, which can supplement the body with high-quality protein and iron, but because red meat will stimulate the secretion of androgens in the body, and too much androgens will inhibit the secretion of estrogen;
Therefore, for people with insufficient estrogen secretion, eating too much red meat for a long time will further break the hormone balance in the body;
It is recommended that female friends of this type should not eat more than 35 grams of red meat per day, and try to choose white meat such as chicken, fish, and shrimp as the meat in the meal.
4. Animal offal food
I believe everyone knows that the content of cholesterol and purine in animal viscera is relatively high, and long-term excessive consumption can easily induce problems such as increased blood lipids, increased uric acid, and blood vessel blockage;
This leads to a further decrease in estrogen secretion. It is recommended that women with insufficient estrogen secretion should not eat animal offal as much as possible.
5. Foods containing caffeine
Caffeine foods such as coffee and strong tea will increase the secretion of sebitol in the body, thereby stimulating the adrenal glands to secrete more stress hormones, making people in a state of mental stress for a long time, and inhibiting the secretion of estrogen to a certain extent. , break the balance of endocrine.
It is recommended that women with insufficient estrogen secretion usually drink boiled water as much as possible.
6. Wine
Alcohol not only damages the stomach, liver and kidneys, but also affects the nervous system and endocrine system, leading to a decrease in sleep quality while inhibiting the secretion of estrogen in the body;
Therefore, women with insufficient estrogen secretion must stay away from alcohol, not only do not drink alcohol, but also do not use alcoholic condiments when cooking food.
For female friends with insufficient estrogen secretion, in addition to staying away from the above six kinds of foods, you can also eat more soy products and nuts, supplement the body with some beneficial plant ingredients, help maintain the stability of hormone levels in the body, and help stabilize emotions , beauty and beauty, delay aging, prevent the occurrence of gynecological diseases.