What to eat during pregnancy to improve egg quality?


Eggs are an integral part of the conception process, and women must have healthy eggs if they want to conceive quickly. If the eggs are of poor quality, there is a high chance of miscarriage even if you conceive. Therefore, women who are trying to conceive should usually eat more foods that can nourish their eggs, so that they can conceive faster and more successfully.


What can women eat during pregnancy to improve egg quality?

1. Leek

Chives are rich in dietary fiber, and eating leeks can help the body flush out toxins. For example, women who have smoked must stop the test when trying to conceive, and they can also eat more leeks, which will help to eliminate toxins in the body.

2. Pork lean meat

Many women usually eat less meat in order to maintain their figure, but this will cause certain damage to themselves and the fetus. We usually eat more lean pork, because eating lean pork can promote follicle development and help women prepare for pregnancy.

3. Fish meat

Eating more fish can promote follicle development and help women improve egg quality. Moreover, fish is also rich in protein, which can provide sufficient nutrients for pregnant women.

4. Red dates

Eating red dates can nourish qi and blood. Eating more red dates can also promote egg development and help women ovulate. It is suitable for women preparing for pregnancy.

5. Black beans

Black beans contain a lot of phytoestrogens, and women's ovulation is inseparable from the supply of estrogen. Eating more black beans can help women replenish estrogen and regulate the balance of body hormones.

6. Animal blood.

When preparing for pregnancy, eat more foods with high hemoglobin content. For example, the blood of animals is very good. Usually, it can have a good blood replenishing effect, and the phagocytic function of lymphocytes is also improved. Pregnant women can eat more pigs, ducks and goose blood.


How to improve the egg quality of pregnant women?

1. Diet conditioning

Pregnant women should add more high-quality protein in their diet, so as to promote the formation of eggs. They can eat more fish, soy milk, black beans, etc. These foods can prevent premature ovarian failure, thereby regulating the endocrine system and allowing better egg development. .

2. Avoid multiple crowds

If a woman does not plan to become pregnant, she must take contraceptive measures. Always having an abortion will directly affect the quality of the eggs. After each abortion, the hormone levels in the body will drop suddenly, which will affect the environment in which the eggs live. , reduce egg quality and viability.

3. Change bad habits

Women staying up late, eating irregularly, smoking and drinking will affect the quality of eggs, so women must change these bad habits during pregnancy. Have a healthy diet, try not to eat junk food, don’t overeat, and don’t blindly diet.

4. Cannot have sex during menstruation

Having sex during menstruation can lead to the production of sperm antibodies in the body, which reduces the viability of a woman's eggs. Unsanitary menstrual life can easily lead to women suffering from gynecological diseases, thus affecting the function of the fallopian tubes, so we must avoid intercourse during menstruation.

5. To relieve the pressure

Long-term stress and excessive stress in women will lead to endocrine disorders, thus changing the estrogen in women's bodies. If you want to ensure the quality of eggs, you must balance estrogen in women's bodies, learn to regulate stress, and calm down. attitude to face everything.

6. To control the weight

Excessive fat in the body will cause endocrine and even polycystic ovary syndrome, which will affect the environment in which the eggs live. Women who are trying to conceive should have 40 minutes of aerobic exercise every day to exercise.

