How do women gain weight during menopause?


After the age of 40, women will experience a series of symptoms such as emotional instability, menstrual cycle disorders, and muscle soreness, which affect their daily work and life and make patients feel miserable. Having the above symptoms suggests that a woman has entered menopause, a period that lasts until a year after menstruation stops. During menopause, many women will have a problem of gaining weight, and it is more difficult to lose weight.

What should I do if women gain weight during menopause?

1. Pay attention to your diet

Women tend to gain weight during menopause. At this time, they should pay attention to eating more foods with high vitamin B content, such as whole grains.

Next, drink milk properly. Because milk has a very good sedative and sleep effect.

Finally, menopausal women should pay attention to eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, which help balance the nervous system and promote digestive function.

2. Strengthening exercise

Women in menopause should pay attention to proper physical exercise, especially not to lie down or sit still after eating, which will make it easier to gain weight. Usually, you can pay attention to strengthening physical exercise, and you can properly perform rope skipping, running, etc., aerobic exercise can not only produce a large amount of catecholamines, effectively accelerate the excitement of the cerebral cortex, make you feel happy, and reduce the possibility of gaining weight.

3. Keep a happy mood

Women entering menopause should pay attention to maintaining an optimistic and happy mood, and actively devote themselves to their work and life, and a good mood helps to regulate the cerebral cortex, thereby promoting sleep and stability.

4. Control fat intake

During menopause, women tend to gain weight more easily than usual. At this time, they should pay more attention to controlling the absorption of their own fat. Be careful to avoid big fish and meat, because eating too much animal fat can also lead to obesity. In addition, menopausal women can properly use vegetable oil to cook food, so that they are not so easy to gain weight. The unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils also help in anti-aging.

5. Eat more low-fat and high-fiber foods

Women should pay attention to eating more low-fat and high-fiber foods during menopause. These foods can effectively break down fat and promote the excretion of fat, preventing obesity.

Many women are afraid of the arrival of menopause. In fact, this is a relatively normal physiological phenomenon. As long as preventive work is done, menopause can be safely passed. Especially in menopause, it is easier to gain weight. You might as well try the five small methods mentioned above. Appropriate control of diet and exercise can prevent obesity.

How to maintain health during female menopause

1. Balanced nutrition

Consume six types of food in moderation every day, including milk, grains and roots (that is, staple food), eggs, beans, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits and oils. Different types of food contain different nutrients. The choice of daily diet must be diversified and the intake is appropriate in order to maintain the health of the body and keep the body shape from gaining weight.

2. Enough exercise

With different age and physical condition, you should choose appropriate exercise, such as jogging, walking, Taijiquan, aerobics, etc., and persevere. Proper exercise can not only promote blood circulation, increase metabolism, reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis, but also eliminate depression, make body and mind happy, and reduce the possibility of obesity.

3. Regular health check

After women's menopause, the incidence of many diseases will increase, and regular health checks can be detected and treated early. For example, monthly self-exams and annual Pap smears can diagnose breast or cervical cancer early to improve the chances of cure.

4. Be kind to your body

Health requires careful management, understanding your body's condition, and seeking medical attention if necessary. Studies have shown that proper hormonal supplementation can have more health benefits than harms.

5. An optimistic attitude towards life

Menopause is a journey that every woman must go through in her life. Facing the life of menopause with an optimistic and healthy attitude can make your life more pleasant.