How do women get vaginitis?


In daily life, women are very concerned about personal hygiene, but there are still many women suffering from vaginitis, which not only slowly erodes women's health, but also brings various embarrassment and discomfort to women. Many women feel that this is a minor illness, or because of face, they are embarrassed to go to the hospital...

So how do women get vaginitis?

1. Vaginal flushing: Frequent flushing of the vagina will change the microecology, which is not conducive to the growth of Lactobacillus and destroys the acidic environment.

2. Long-term use of antibacterial drugs: Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs can kill Lactobacillus, but cannot kill other pathogenic bacteria. Long-term use destroys the balance of vaginal flora.

3. Decreased estrogen in menopause: The main cause of vaginitis in women in 2010 is that the vaginal epithelium shrinks due to less estrogen, which reduces the amount of glycogen in the epithelial cells, and the vaginal environment deteriorates.

4. Diabetes: When blood sugar is high, there will be more glycogen in vaginal epithelial cells, lactobacillus will produce more acid, and vaginal acidity will be high. When the pH value is <4.5, mold is easy to grow. < p="">

5. Poor immunity: Immunodeficiency diseases, the use of immunosuppressants, lack of sleep, excessive stress, etc., will affect the body's immunity and reduce the resistance to germs.

6. Frequent intercourse: The vaginal environment will change after each event, but in most cases, Lactobacillus can recover by itself after a few hours. However, if it is too frequent, the vaginal environment cannot be adjusted in time.

7. Unclean sexual life: When there is vaginal inflammation, or when the man has genital inflammation, sexual life will cause mutual infection. The man's phimosis and foreskin are too long and it is easy to get dirty and bring germs into the vagina.

8. Multiple sexual partners: The vagina can't bear it, and it will also affect the cervical lesions, and if it is not done, it will also be infected with AIDS, syphilis and the like.

9. Unsanitary private parts: Such as insufficient cleaning of private parts, unsanitary utensils when going to the toilet, bathing, unqualified sanitary napkins, often wearing tight pants, etc.

Don't want to be bothered by vaginitis? Then try to correct it in time.

So how to prevent vaginitis?

Many female friends are deeply troubled by vaginitis. In fact, it is not difficult to prevent vaginitis. As long as you pay attention to some details of life, vaginitis can be easily prevented. Here are 5 ways to prevent vaginitis for female friends.

1. Do some exercise, don't sit for a long time

Due to occupation, many female friends are accustomed to sitting for a long time, especially female friends who sit in the office. Sitting for a long time will lead to pelvic blood accumulation. Female friends should develop the habit of insisting on exercising. Even if they often sit in the office, they should get up for about an hour to move their muscles and bones, twist their waists, stretch their arms, etc. Regular exercise can keep their body in shape and promote blood flow in the lower limbs. Circulation, prevention of various gynecological diseases.

2. Wear loose clothing to keep the blood circulation of the lower body smooth

Today's female friends generally like to wear tight clothes, whether it is underwear, underwear or coat pants, tight clothes will make the blood circulation of the lower body not smooth, and also have an impact on women's private parts, to keep the vagina dry, if the private parts are wet Too much weight can easily lead to vaginitis.

3, A moderate amount of sex life

Moderate sex life can make the vagina healthier, so that the private parts will not be disturbed by bacteria, and will not cause gynecological diseases.

4. Pay attention to keeping warm and take measures to keep warm

Women's bodies are relatively fragile and can't stand the cold. If the body catches cold, it will cause many gynecological diseases. In particular, it is necessary to do a good job of keeping the lower body warm.

If you catch cold, you will not only have cold hands and feet, but also dysmenorrhea and even cause cold in the uterus. It will also cause more leucorrhea. If the hygiene situation in the vagina is not optimistic, it will lead to various gynecological inflammations, and in serious cases, it will also lead to female friends. Infertility.

5, Diet is very important

Female friends should pay attention to the diversification of diet, not only one kind of food, so that the nutritional needs cannot meet the requirements, and it will also cause diseases. It is best to eat more than 4 kinds of fruits and vegetables every day to supplement high-quality protein.