What foods can supplement vitamin C?


How to maintain skin elasticity is an important part of whitening care. The dermis contains a lot of collagen, which provides a lot of vitality to the skin and keeps it healthy. Collagen is intertwined with elastic fibers, making the skin elastic. At the same time, collagen and elastic fibers undergo elastic changes due to oxidation.

Vitamin C is known to boost immunity and prevent colds. At the same time, vitamin C is also an excellent antioxidant, which can capture free radicals, reduce melanin, promote collagen synthesis, and improve the skin's resistance to sunlight. So, what foods can give you more vitamin C? Let's take a look.


Vitamins C The principle of helping skin whitening:

There is a relationship between skin color and the amount of melanin. Tyrosine in melanocytes will be converted into dopaquinone, and then oxidized into eumelanin. This melanin will slowly reach the surface of the skin with the metabolism of the skin, and finally fall off with age. If the skin's metabolism is abnormal, a large amount of melanin deposits will be produced, which will accumulate locally, thereby deepening the skin tone, and even forming spots, resulting in uneven skin tone.

Therefore, while whitening, it is necessary to prevent the synthesis of tyrosinase and sun protection. In addition, vitamin C can also inhibit the activity of tyrosinase, prevent the production of melanin, prevent ultraviolet rays from damaging the skin, convert melanin into a colorless precursor, and improve the skin. Of course, returning to colorless does not mean that there will be no new ones in the future. If you want to achieve the whitening effect, you must not only supplement vitamin C, but also have ingredients that inhibit melanin, so as to have a good protective effect.

In the cells of the human body, vitamin C has the functions of anti-oxidation, anti-aging, promoting collagen proliferation, anti-wrinkle, anti-wrinkle and so on. So, if you want your skin to be fair, supple, and shiny, you must have enough vitamin C.


4 kinds of foods that can supplement the skin's vitaminsC:

1. Cucumber

Cucumber is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B and a variety of vitamins, and it tastes refreshing and refreshing when eaten. From a nutritional point of view, cucumber skin is rich in nutrients and should be eaten as little as possible. In order to avoid the harm of pesticide residues to the human body, cucumbers should be soaked in salt water for 15 to 20 minutes. When brining a cucumber, never pull the root out to ensure it is intact and to prevent it from running off during the pickling process. In addition, cold vegetables should be eaten immediately and cannot be stored for a long time, otherwise it will lead to the loss of vitamins.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes not only contain a lot of vitamin C, but also rich in vitamin A, which has a good protective effect on the eyes and skin. It is best not to add sugar to cold tomatoes, otherwise it will affect the appetite. Obese, diabetic, and hypertensive patients should not eat cold tomatoes.


3, persimmon, pepper

Among all kinds of vegetables, vitamin C content is the highest. Vitamin C can improve the body's immune function and prevent many diseases. In summer, it is easy to get hot and cold, and long-term outdoor activities increase the chance of contact with the outside world.

4. Celery

Celery is rich in vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B2 and other substances. Hot weather can be irritating and cause dry stools. In addition, when the temperature is high, the body will lose a lot of water, resulting in an imbalance of sodium and potassium in the body. Celery can be laxative and regulate sodium and potassium.