Can daily diet improve dark circles?


Dark circles under the eyes are relatively common, and the dark circles under the eyes are generally acceptable for girls. Their eyes are black because they are so close to the mirror. If you think about it carefully, everyone's bags under the eyes are black, because the skin around the eyes is very thin, and the blood vessels below can be seen, so the color of the eyes is darker. Also, visually, sunken under the eyes, look bright in high places and dark in low light, giving a feeling of tiredness and lack of energy. How to get rid of dark circles through daily diet?

Diet improves dark circles - kiwi juice:

Prepare 2 kiwis, 4 oranges, 1 lemon, peel the kiwis and oranges, and put the lemon in a juicer. Kiwi is a fruit with beauty and beauty effects. In addition to removing dark circles and beautifying the face, this juice can also replenish physical strength, making you full of energy at work and giving full play to your potential.

Diet improves dark circles - banana, papaya juice:

Peel bananas and papaya, mix with yogurt, pour into a cup and drink. This fruit juice is also high in vitamins and makes a great beauty diet. Rich nutrition can help you regain your strength and get rid of your dark circles.

Diet improves dark circles - vegetable fruit juice:

Cut the right amount of apples, carrots, spinach and celery into small pieces, add the right amount of milk and honey, stir them together, crush them with a juice machine, and squeeze out the juice.

Diet improves dark circles - cucumber with mint juice:

Beat a fresh cucumber, half a liter of soy milk, and three mints in a blender to make a glass of juice.

Diet improves dark circles - grapefruit juice:

Peel three grapefruits, squeeze out the juice, mash a bunch of grapes into juice, mix them together, add honey, stir well, it is a sweet and sour beauty juice.

Diet improves dark circles - papaya:

Papaya is a common fruit in our daily life. Papaya is delicious and has therapeutic effects, especially for women. Papaya is rich in proteolytic enzymes, which can make up for the secretion of the pancreas and intestines, make up for the lack of gastric juice, and help the decomposition of protein and starch. Papaya is rich in carotene and vitamin C, has strong antioxidant properties, helps the body's tissue repair, expel toxins, improve the body's immunity, and help resist the invasion of viruses such as influenza A. The active substances of papaya have a certain promoting effect on phagocytic cells.

Diet improves dark circles - brown sugar:

Brown sugar has the effect of removing dark circles. Prepared brown sugar, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar, heat it with a high fire, pour it into the prepared gauze after it comes out of water mist, and wait until it cools down to the level that the skin can bear, then put it on Apply heat in a clockwise direction to effectively eliminate dark circles.

Steps to make brown sugar water:

1. First take an appropriate amount of brown sugar, pour the brown sugar into a hot frying pan, wait until the brown sugar is slightly hot, then remove it.

2. Prepare the sterile gauze, put the brown sugar in the gauze, and massage the eyes until the temperature of the brown sugar is not high and the temperature is suitable.

3. During the massage, massage clockwise around the eyes, and stop using it when the brown sugar water is cool, which can eliminate dark circles.