Can eating papaya and apples remove dark circles?


We often have dark circles in our daily life. Many people have insomnia at night. After getting up in the morning, there will be dark circles under the eyes, and it is difficult to remove them. How are dark circles formed? Does it work to remove dark circles with food? Let's find out!

What are the reasons for the formation of dark circles?

1. Ultraviolet rays: Long-term exposure to the sun will deposit around the eyes and form dark circles. The whiter the skin, the easier it is to appear dark circles.

2. Infiltration of pigments in cosmetics: Some heavy metal ions and dark pigment particles in frequently used cosmetics, especially whitening cosmetics, enter the eyelids, which will cause dark circles over time.

3. Over-fatigue: When over-fatigue, emotional instability, and lack of sleep can cause vascular blood flow blockage in the orbicularis oculi muscle and eyelid skin, making the blood dark black.

4. Aging and sagging eyelids: Wrinkles can lead to darkening of the skin, localized visual shadows around the eyes, and depressions under the eye sockets that form tear troughs.

Can eating apples improve dark circles?

Apple may seem ordinary, but it can remove dark circles, which is inseparable from its unique repairing effect. Prepare a fresh apple, cut it into thin slices, lay it flat on the bed, stick the apple on the eye area, and rest for 15 Minutes, adhere to a day can be effective.

How to remove dark circles with apples?

First slice the apple into thin slices. Close your eyes tightly and place the apple slices in the dark circles. After fifteen minutes, wipe off any remaining apple juice from your eyes with a cotton ball moistened with water.

Tip: Apples can be soaked in salt water to avoid oxidation. To ensure 8 hours of sleep in daily life, eat more vegetables and fruits to enhance the elasticity of the skin.

Does papaya improve dark circles?

Have. In our daily life, the mention of papaya must be all too familiar. Papaya can be used as medicine, can hangover, remove phlegm, smooth gas, stop dysentery. Its fruit is still smooth and wrinkled after drying, so it is called smooth bark wood. Hard wood can be used for bedposts. The nutritional value of papaya is very high, and many people believe that it has the effect of breast enhancement.

The reason why papaya can relieve dark circles is because it contains olean fruit, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and blood lipid lowering effects. When there are dark circles, you can slice papaya and rinse with water. Apply papaya slices to the eye area, morning and evening, to eliminate dark circles and relieve eye fatigue.

The pulp of papaya is rich in amino acids, calcium, iron, etc. The vitamin C content in papaya is 48 times higher than that of apples. Therefore, papaya can not only reduce dark circles, but also play a role in moisturizing skin, enhancing breasts and slimming, helping digestion, preventing constipation, and purifying blood.

How to make papaya eye mask ?

Material: papaya, mint leaves

Production Method:

1. Clean the papaya first, remove the core, then clean the mint leaves and set aside.

2. Soak all the papaya and mint leaves in boiling water and cook.

3. After cooling the mint leaves, apply repeatedly around the eyes.

What it does: This eye cream contains a refreshing mint leaf, papaya eye cream, which not only reduces eye fatigue, but also eliminates eye bags and dark circles, making your eyes more beautiful.