How to get rid of dark circles without surgery?


Nowadays, most of the young people on the street have dark circles under their eyes, because they often stay up late, eat irregularly, and drink too much. How to get rid of dark circles? Today, the editor will tell you some "methods to eliminate dark circles" to make your panda eyes disappear.

Method to remove dark circles one, milk method to remove dark circles

Ingredients: cotton balls, ice water, chilled whole milk

Production Method:

1. Mix ice water and chilled whole milk 1:1 and soak a cotton ball in it.

2. Apply the soaked cotton ball to the eye area for about 15 minutes.

Method 2 to eliminate dark circles, apply calla lotus slag to eyes

Ingredients: Calla Lily

Production Method:

1. Wash the calla lilies, peel the calla lilies, and chop the calla lilies into pieces.

2. Pour the ingredients into the press, add 2 cups of water, and mix well.

3. Remove slag with water and apply for 10 minutes.

Tip: Drinking water is the best of both worlds. Use before going to bed to reduce the chance of dark circles during the day. The radiance and cleanliness of calla lily is the best for the skin.

Recommended reason: Calla lily contains powder, iron and protein, which has the effect of dispersing blood and removing blood stasis.

Method three to eliminate dark circles, homemade papaya eye mask

Main ingredient: papaya

Production Method:

1. Take half a papaya, remove the shell, remove the seeds, cut into small pieces, mash together with mint leaves, and cook until cooked.

2. After cooking, put it at a suitable temperature and apply it around the eyes, which can not only eliminate eye bags, but also reduce eye fatigue.

Method to eliminate dark circles four, massage to remove

1. Eye massage

Operation step 1: Press the position of the eye with the ring finger, and gently rub the lower eyelid with the finger.

Step 2: Massage the temples with gentle force and push in from the temples. Do this 5 to 10 times.

Step 3: Then put your thumb on the head of the eye.

Operation Step 4: Press the corner of the eye with your thumb, and then move from both sides to both sides like a circle, repeat 5-10 times.

2. Acupuncture massage

Step 1: Use your fingers to press three to six times on the bamboo point on the forehead. Then press Jingming and Chengxi points.

Operation step 2: Then press on the temple with the pulp of the thumb and rotate it slightly.

Operation step 3: Press the Sizhu point under the forehead with your fingers, then return to the temple and press the pulp of the thumb on the temple.

The method to eliminate dark circles five, eat fruit

1. Lemon

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and have a great effect on dark circles. Lemon is a very acidic thing, if you want to get rid of dark circles, you can squeeze it out.

2. carambola

Rich in sugar, vitamin A, vitamin C and various fibers, acids. Star fruit contains a lot of fruit acids, which have anti-melanin deposition and moisturizing effects, and have obvious effects on dry and oily skin. Suitable for people who stay up late, it is a very good fruit to protect the skin.

3. Oranges

Vitamin C can effectively prevent the radiation of sunlight and computers, thereby reducing the production of melanin, making the skin more white and supple. Citrus is a representative fruit, rich in vitamin C. In addition, it is rich in cellulose and pectin unique to citrus, which can clear the bowels, expel harmful substances from the body, ensure good health, and improve immunity.

4. Grapes

Grapes are rich in glucose and various vitamins, which have a good protective effect on the liver. Grapes are high in nutrients and antioxidants that can delay aging, especially for people who stay up late.