What are the effects of emotional freedom in the workplace?


With the increasing social pressure, people's stress at work is becoming more and more obvious. For example, staying up late to work overtime, the plan is not easy to be rejected by the boss, the proposal that has been revised repeatedly is not accepted, etc. As a lowly wage worker, should you have emotions in the workplace? Should we achieve emotional freedom in the workplace? Does letting go of your emotions work? What are the effects of emotional freedom?


1. Influence 1: Emotional freedom can easily affect the quality of work

Many people think that people are free, no matter where they are. Even in the workplace, dissatisfaction can be released anytime, anywhere. But we don't know that this will have a bad impact on our work. Because when our emotions are in a negative state, it is easy to make omissions in our work and affect the quality of our work. Especially for positions that need to negotiate with customers, if some mistakes occur because of the negative emotions in our work. For example, if the materials are not properly prepared, the attitude is not good, and the negotiation is not smooth, then once the customer is not happy, it is possible that the cooperation will end here. So, don't be impulsive, and don't affect the entire work efficiency because of your emotions.

2. Influence 2: Emotional freedom can easily offend leaders and influence colleagues

If we can’t manage our emotions well in the workplace, it is easy to offend our leaders and influence our colleagues. Whether it's a manager or a secretary, just keep a straight face or get angry with others all day long. Over time, people around you will also keep a distance from this person in private. It may also spread to the ears of leaders, leaving a bad impression on themselves. Emotions in the workplace will affect personal development. Try to restrain yourself. If you can't control it, find a place where you can safely vent your emotional stress. Don't let negative emotions affect your workplace development.


3. Influence 3: Emotional freedom is easy to miss opportunities for promotion and salary increase

If a person always complains that he has not met a good boss in the workplace, gossip about his colleagues. Then if the company needs talents, you will definitely not be considered first, but from the inside. People with poor emotional management tend to miss out on opportunities for advancement when they come, because such people can make their promoters feel unfit for leadership positions. Successful professionals usually have good work habits, always keep themselves in a positive working state, and can resist the invasion of bad emotions at any time. Such a person will list the work that needs to be done every day, and deal with it one by one according to the priority of the matter, so as to avoid work pressure affecting their life.

4. Influence 4: Emotional freedom can easily lead to rebellious psychology

In the workplace, everyone will inevitably encounter this or that kind of criticism, and always feel that their psychology has been hurt, resulting in the psychology of resistance and rebellion. But actually think about it in a different light: why do they say that? Are their criticisms correct? Have you really done something wrong? Everyone speaks from a different starting point. If there is something wrong with what you are doing, you must not vent your emotions at will. You must make rational judgments, adjust your mentality, change your negative emotions of rebelliousness, and accept it with an open mind to make a more rational judgment. . Empathy is an important factor that is often mentioned in the workplace. As a workplace person, you cannot ignore it. Only from the perspective of others can you better look at the problem.
