How can I control my emotions in front of my children?


Many parents can't help yelling at their children when they are crying. After yelling, I started to regret it again, and began to reflect on this problem. I knew clearly that "it shouldn't be done", but when my temper came up, I couldn't help but raise my voice. Faced with such a predicament, what should I do as a parent? How can I control my emotions? After reading the following points, I believe you will benefit.

1. Don't pay too much attention to the crying of the child

When the child is crying, he is very emotional. Parents should not try to reason or communicate with the child at this time. It doesn't matter if he doesn't listen to all of them. The most effective way at this time is to say nothing. Children are simply indulging in their own emotions. At this time, parents should not pay special attention to the crying of their children. They should continue to do their own things and let them vent. If he has enough emotions, he will naturally calm down. After calming down, it will be easier for parents to communicate with each other. .

2. Calm down in case of trouble, clarify the situation before talking

The parents were very tired after a day's work. When they got home, they saw that their children had made a mess in the kitchen, and they were emotionally overwhelmed, so they yelled at the children and made them cry. The reality is that the child wanted to cook instant noodles for his mother, but he didn't expect to mess up the kitchen. There are some things that are not necessarily believing. Parents should figure out the situation before speaking, so as not to mistake the child's kindness.

3. Distract yourself

Some parents are particularly annoyed when they see their children are particularly naughty in their lives and behave badly. So at this time, when parents are talking to their children, the children may just ignore them. Parents feel particularly anxious, so they will treat their children particularly harshly. At this time, they will feel sad, because at this time the child will feel that they have no self-esteem. Therefore, parents must learn to distract themselves at this time, and can deal with work, cooking and so on. Don't lose your temper in front of your own children.

4. Don't let your child's emotions affect you

Parents start to discipline, yell or beat their children when their crying and tantrums don't work. This often hurts the child. This kind of reprimand will make the crying more and more serious. The more angry the parent is, the more the child will cry. Parents should deal with it calmly and do not let their children's emotions affect you. The most effective method is to communicate rationally.

5. I can't help roaring, please sincerely apologize to the child

Children's physical wounds need parental bandages; spiritual wounds need more parental healing. I couldn't help yelling at the child, please say to him: "Mom and Dad yelling, it's not your fault, it's because Mom and Dad didn't control their emotions. If you have something to say, you should talk about it." No matter how cruel we are to the child, they all Longing for the connection with their parents, they still long for their parents' embrace.

6. Speak in a low voice instead of roaring loudly

In fact, sometimes, a stern look from a parent is enough to deter children. Psychologists once did a study and found that dealing with the same thing is easier for children to accept in a low voice. When parents deliberately lower their voices to speak, their emotions will become calmer and more rational. This emotion will also be passed on to children, so that they can jump out of emotional misunderstandings and think rationally. Whisper education is the best gift.