How to control emotional out-of-control?


Everyone has different emotions every day due to emotional fluctuations, and emotionality is caused by changes in inner emotions. I became extremely anxious because of the appearance of emotions in my life, but I was extremely annoyed and regretful afterwards. Sometimes we encounter sudden emotional out-of-control. How can we control the out-of-control inner emotions?

1. Stop emotional thinking, and be calm when things happen

When emotions get out of hand, we often get caught up in ruminating over these events, thinking about "what just happened" or "what could happen next" over and over again. Often, these repetitive thought loops provoke stronger emotional responses away from the truth. Therefore, in order to control these out-of-control emotions, we usually need to stop having these thoughts in time. Think twice, cool down for three seconds before making a decision. Tell yourself every day to keep a calm and balanced mentality, slowly develop the habit of changing your mentality, and learn to calm down at the right time, so that you can better control your emotions.

2. Take a deep breath and plan for the worst

When our emotions are out of control, it is difficult for the brain to make sound, rational decisions. Taking a few deep breaths first helps us make better decisions. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system and helps calm high-evoked negative emotions like anxiety or anger. So when it feels overwhelming, take a pause and take a few deep breaths to bring those strong emotions down a bit so you can take control and plan your next steps more carefully. Be prepared for the worst in everything and give yourself a mental preparation in advance, so that you can rationally face what is about to happen.

3. Find hope in emotions

When the out-of-control emotions slowly recede, you calm down a little, and you can start to think clearly again. Try to inject some positive emotions into the situation to help control your emotions. One way is to do whatever you can to find hope in whatever emotions are bothering you. For example, if your boss tells you that you have to redo the job you just did, the glimmer of hope here is that this experience will help you become better at your job in the future. Your partner is doing things that make you uncomfortable, and this may be an opportunity for you to improve your communication skills and express your needs in a relationship. Finding a glimmer of hope isn't always easy, and if you can do it, it's a great way to keep your emotions in check.

4. Strengthen sports or cultivate sentiment

If you're still feeling irritable and can't seem to control your out-of-control emotions, try exercising. Exercise is an effective way to control loss of control. Do a few sprints, lift some weights, or do some other activity that gets your heart pumping. The physiological changes that come with exercise are a great way to control your unbearable, out-of-control emotions. The best way to control uncontrollable emotions is still in daily life, such as taking a few minutes every day to read a book to expand the internal storage capacity. Persistence for a long time will make a person's character become docile and stable, and cultivate sentiment.

5. Improve self-acceptance and learn to accept

Emotions are the most difficult to control and the most difficult to control for everyone. Only after a long period of habit cultivation can we be controlled, talk less and do more, think ideally, gradually improve self-bearing capacity, and reduce the number of emotional out-of-control. It seems counterintuitive to also learn to accept the things that bother us. But actually, when you're trying to control your out-of-control emotions, it's wise to accept the things you can't change. No matter how upset we are, our emotions don't change the facts. So, ask yourself, can the current one be reined in? Remind yourself to accept these things and focus your energy on things that can be better.