6 manifestations of mental health


Mental and physical are a complete whole, and the standard of health is to require both mental and physical health. Because the mind and body are one and the other, the body and the mind, whoever goes wrong can pose a threat to our health. However, in our daily life, if there is any discomfort in our body, we will naturally take the initiative to seek help from a doctor, but when our mental health is unhealthy, we tend to ignore it. As everyone knows, the consequences of allowing it to develop will ultimately destroy our physical and mental health. The following are the six manifestations of mental unhealthy. You can check whether you have a mental unhealthy tendency.


Performance 1: Insecurity

People who are mentally unhealthy are prone to paranoid personality and jealousy, which is a manifestation of lack of security. From the perspective of evolutionary psychology, a sense of security is a psychological trait that appeared when our ancestors fought against natural enemies, natural disasters, and enemy aggression. It added advantages to the continuation of the species, and a sense of security is a powerful symbol , this psychological need has been imprinted in our genes. Therefore, an insecure person will often show a state of tension, anxiety, and depression, and will always complain about other people when encountering things. If this unhealthy psychology is not corrected, it may develop into a paranoid psychosis.

Performance 2: Emotionally prone to defects

Mental unhealthy people often have unnecessary tension and anxiety about interpersonal relationships and things, always worrying about all kinds of things, and have a lot of doubts. These people have a strong desire to survive, but they are worried about their own diseases and health, often showing sadness, depression, depression, depression, and often inexplicable crying.


Performance three: unable to evaluate myself reasonably

An unhealthy mind cannot reasonably evaluate itself. Whether a person can have a reasonable self-evaluation is the first and most important step for a person to establish himself, establish self-esteem, and establish self-confidence. If not, the psychology will fall into inferiority complex and cannot extricate itself, either being arrogant, or not knowing how to respect others and respect others, and these are undoubtedly a huge resistance for a person who wants to have a healthy mind.

Performance 4: Low resistance to setbacks

The mentally unhealthy people's ability to resist setbacks is still very low. There is a popular name for the ability to resist setbacks, which is called "reverse quotient", which is called the third largest quotient after emotional quotient and IQ. In today's society, there are often failures. At this time, the test of a person's psychological quality is his ability to resist setbacks. A person who does not have the ability to resist setbacks will not be able to withstand any test. In the changing trend, Such a person is the first to be eliminated.


Performance 5: Unable to accept one's own needs calmly

Maslow, a famous psychologist, proposed the hierarchy of human needs, from low to high, ranking the common needs of human beings. Therefore, some common needs of human beings should be accepted calmly, as long as they are reasonable, they are appropriate. But for those who are insatiable, pay special attention, prone to anti-social or heavy drinking behavior, and sometimes serious psychopaths.

Performance 6: Unable to accept the real world

Some mentally unhealthy people often live in their own world, even in a fantasy world, so they will be full of disgust and complaints about real life, and finally form an avoidant personality. Humans are socialized animals, and reality is the venue of society. A person who is mentally healthy and has good contact with reality will not only live in his own imaginary world, but devote himself to society and use reality to test his thoughts and practices. .