The harm of children's rebellious psychology


Sometimes, we always say that children are an innocent and lovely group. But as they get older, they become more active, they become disobedient, and they even start to rebel, especially in adolescence. At this time, the reverse behavior generated by the reverse psychology has a great negative impact on the children of this growth stage. So, do you know what are the dangers of children's rebellious psychology?

Hazard 1: Obstructing the physical and mental development of children

Adolescent children's outlook on life is being formed, and the knowledge and life experience of parents and teachers, as well as the will and quality of advanced characters, are of great help to the formation of their correct and positive outlook on life and values. However, children with rebellious mentality cannot effectively obtain useful experience from adults, cannot draw lessons from others' failures, and cannot obtain inspiration from others' successes, which will lead to teenagers being suspicious, paranoid, and indifferent to others. These morbid characters, such as being gregarious, antisocial, and antisocial, cause their confidence to be shaken, their ideals to be destroyed, their will to decline, their work to be negative, their study to be passive, and their lives to be sluggish. Further development may also transform into a meritorious and morbid psychology, endangering their healthy growth and society. Mature.

Hazard II: The relationship between deterioration and parents and teachers

Children in the "reverse period" usually have an obvious "anti-control" and "opposition" mentality to the educator, that is, the more you ask him to do this, he will not do it. And this kind of situation, the most likely to provoke the annoyance of teachers and parents. The more annoyed teachers and parents are and the more angry they are against him (her), the more disgusting they will make him (her), which will directly endanger the normal relationship with parents and teachers, so that the rebellious character will be developed to the extreme and affect the personality. and behavior.

Hazard 3: Affecting the character of the child

When the child enters the retrograde period, his self-awareness of independent consciousness is increasing day by day, and he is eager to get rid of the guardianship of adults. They begin to mind that their parents continue to treat them as children. The psychology of going in the opposite direction can easily lead to children developing a critical character, even harming the body and mind, and can easily lead to children developing a reckless character. Therefore, when children rebel, they must take correct measures.

Hazard IV: Affecting children's learning

When a child is rebellious, he will have a rebellious mentality to all the so-called authorities around him. This is also true in school. The child will object to the teacher's control over him, no longer constrain himself to the daily homework, and start to fight against the teacher, no longer Focusing on learning leads to lower grades. Therefore, child rebellion will affect learning.

When the child is in the reversal period, the guardian must pay more attention to minimize the harm of the reversal to the child.

Hazard 5: Going astray or even embarking on a criminal path

Rebellious psychology makes children reject positive and positive influences, and show easy acceptance of negative and negative influences. For example, parents and teachers say that puppy love is not good, so he wants to have puppy love, spends his energy on chasing the opposite sex, and eventually becomes a social youth who is not doing a decent job; students are not allowed to smoke or drink, so he just wants to smoke and drink and eventually become prematurely Smoker or alcoholic. Some children are seduced by bad youths in society, ignore and resist social norms of behavior, have resistance, are prone to violations of the law, and eventually embark on the road of breaking the law and endangering society.