How to improve your attraction to the opposite sex


I believe that in your life, you must have met people who fascinate you, who will always attract our attention and also make people enjoy the feeling of being together.
How to increase attraction to the opposite sex? How to effectively increase attractiveness?
1. Improve your external attractiveness (first impression)
In this face-seeing society, visually beautiful things always make us feel good. Like many of us watching short videos, hot guys and babes always keep us stuck for a few more seconds.
You might think it's vulgar, but it's undeniable that preconceived notions of first impressions can influence subsequent communications. When dealing with people, the first contact is appearance.
① Body appearance (outer packaging)
This part includes some innate factors, such as delicate facial features and a well-proportioned body. The so-called three points are destined, and seven points depend on what you wear. The direction we can improve our attractiveness is: we can usually read more fashion magazines, improve our dressing taste, and conceal ourselves or beautify ourselves through some simple makeup and dressing skills.
Learn to pack yourself, experienced people can judge the economic ability, taste and inner cultivation of the opposite sex by dressing. However, the attractiveness of appearances can diminish over time. No matter how good-looking people are, they will become numb over time. The advantage of physical attractiveness also diminishes with age.
② External temperament (behavioral cultivation)
This part includes your body movements, emotions, aura, speaking rhythm, tone, expression, good self-cultivation, behavior etiquette, etc.
The direction in which we can improve our attractiveness is: to improve our taste, and to consciously observe and adjust our body movements, behaviors, sitting postures, expressions, and speaking voices. Exercise more, maintain a good mental state, have vigor and vitality.
By watching movies and TV, observe male stars, female stars, or people who fascinate you up close, study their external temperament, and learn to imitate.
2. Improve your inner attractiveness (personality)
No matter how good-looking the face, after all, can't stand the erosion of time.
This one involves more:
① a sense of humor
④High emotional intelligence
⑤Academic experience
⑥ Talent
The direction in which we can improve our attractiveness is: usually read more and think more, make more friends with different people, experience different things, and improve personal quality.
3. Build your scarce resources (stronger influence)
We all admire the strong. For those who surpass themselves in certain fields or have their own scarce resources, it is easy to have a good impression and a higher attraction.
This section generally includes the following:
① Wealth, or stable career and income
②Personal achievement
③ Fame
④ social status
⑤ Power and resources
⑥Scarcity advantage or specialty
The direction in which we can improve our attractiveness is: strive to improve ourselves, create a major that the opposite sex likes and are interested in, establish personal advantages in certain fields, and become a leader in a certain field.
In addition, some hobbies and specialties will also become the attraction of the corresponding crowd. The most common example is that many of us like a certain singer, a certain athlete, etc.
4. Improve the feeling of getting along (psychological and emotional)
In addition to the above three items, we can intuitively feel the attraction. If we want to maintain the attraction for a long time, we also need to improve the feeling in getting along.
② Unique features
③ Sense of trust and security
⑤ Sense of similarity and identity
⑥ Familiar and close
The focus here is on comfort and similarity. Comfort is well understood. This usually means feeling relaxed, comfortable and happy with others. People come together, things group together. People always prefer to be with their peers. It is easy for two people with the same point of view to chat. You like to play basketball and you will attract people who like to play basketball. You love to play games, and you will attract gamers. The same frequency has mutual attraction and common similarities, such as age, educational background, outlook on life, values, work style, hobbies, etc.
What we can do is: understand these basic principles and consciously apply them to our lives.
5. Satisfy the inner needs of the opposite sex (supply and demand)
In addition to the above, attractiveness also depends on the likes, desires, and needs of the opposite sex. If a person is missing something, he will pay special attention to this information, and we will meet his inner needs through this attraction. What determines this part is supply and demand. Simply put, what the opposite sex lacks and what you have, it is easy to be attracted.
What we can do to improve our attractiveness is: do what we like, see what type the opposite sex likes, cultivate ourselves into this type, package ourselves into this type, look at the needs of the opposite sex, and then let ourselves create this resource advantage.
It is important to note that different people have different concerns. In short, men and women have different concerns. Men pay more attention to appearance and body shape, while women pay more attention to actual emotional feelings, as well as wealth and status. On the other hand, factors such as age, experience, personality, education, location, etc. will also lead to different concerns for each person.
6. Know how to show yourself correctly (create a good appearance)
With some of the above advantages, it does not mean that the other party will be attracted to you immediately, you also need to learn to show yourself correctly. Some are hidden and not easy to show directly. You need to show some overt appeal appropriately, but not overly overt, through behavior, chat, 3rd party verification, item verification, etc. At the same time, it has a certain personality and has its own style, but it is in line with the public's aesthetics, and it will not be too maverick, so it is easy to leave a deep impression on people.