What to do if there is no talk between couples


I don’t know if you have noticed that when couples first started dating, they often had endless conversations between couples, and it took several hours to cook porridge on the phone every day. But after couples have been dating for a while, they begin to find that couples talk less and less with each other, and they don't even have the urge to chat.

In fact, behind the "nothing to say" between lovers, there are two possible situations:

1. The appearance of nothing to say indicates that the relationship may have no basis for further cultivation. Couples may not have the same frequency and lack common interests and topics.

2. With the passage of time, the initial enthusiasm between the lovers recedes, and the relationship enters a "flat period", which leads to nothing to say.


Therefore, if you find yourself and your partner increasingly disconnected, then you should seriously consider which of the above situations you fall into. If it's the first one, later relationships may be more prone to problems. Psychologists believe that there are four basic aspects between lovers, namely:

Biological passion, common values, common ideals, and the same rhythm of communication (both parties can "talk"), the relationship between couples cannot develop healthily without any aspect of the relationship, so the "talk" between couples is also The fourth point is actually very important.

A. Couples must affirm each other, not only affirming each other's achievements, but also affirming each other's emotions and feelings. For example, you should accept his grief and anger when the other person comes home and complains about difficulties or unfair treatment at work, and makes the other person feel supported and depended on.

B. It is very important for couples to be honest with each other, which can enhance mutual trust and intimacy.


C. Have a positive attitude towards the relationship and live a positive life. When you get along, you can show that you like it. For example, some couples are good at making ordinary life interesting together. Going for a walk together, doing housework together, it all becomes fun. Signaling "I'm happy to do ordinary things with you" to the other person will make your relationship happier.

D. "Share" your social network with your partner, attend your friends and family gatherings, and share your friends and acquaintances with each other. This is a positive way for couples to maintain their emotions. But the premise of social sharing is voluntary participation, which is essentially to bring the couple closer by participating in the other party’s social circle, so as not to lose their own or the other party’s private space (such as requiring the other party to hand over their social network account password).

E. Be willing to share the responsibilities in life with each other, and give appropriate advice and help when the other party needs it. This is the most beneficial way for a long-term relationship.


And if you belong to the second situation (the relationship has entered a "flat period"), don't panic, this is just a very common period in love, the following suggestions can help you regain your passion:

1. Don’t take the other person as something you already have. "What you can't get is good" People often lose their desire for what they already have. You can try to always see each other as attractive, waiting to be discovered by you, so that every day is a new day and you can learn more about each other every day.

2. Realize that there is "uncertainty" between you. As long as you love someone, you have to take risks. "Couples will be together forever" isn't actually 100% occurring. There is no real sense of security and certainty in the world. Awareness of this "uncertainty" will make couples cherish each other more and help to regain the passion between couples.

3. In a good relationship, independence and dependence coexist. "In order to integrate, two people must be independent individuals." In fact, in a relationship, in addition to giving and relying on each other, what we can't give up is to enrich ourselves. We need to acknowledge our independence and transform intimacy into a journey of self-realization.

Sometimes "nothing to say" things aren't all bad for couples. Two people can snuggle together and understand each other's heart even if they don't say a word, which is also a blissful experience.