Cure for Cystic Acne


Cystic acne is a major problem on the face, and many women are troubled by it. Today, we will talk about the causes of cystic acne and how to cure it, as well as our clean and soft skin.

Causes of cystic acne formation

There are many reasons for cystic acne. Today, we mainly talk about the basic causes of cysts. The first reason is endocrine abnormalities. Endocrine abnormalities mostly occur during puberty, mainly because of excessive androgen secretion during puberty, imbalance of estrogen and androgen levels or sensitivity to androgens, stimulating the increase in sebaceous glands, increasing sebum secretion, promoting keratinization of hair follicles, and blocking Pores cause inflammation, leading to the development of pimples, pustules, nodules and even cysts. At the same time, sebum provides oil and anaerobic environment for the growth of microorganisms such as Acne endobacterium in the hair follicle, which also stimulates the proliferation and excessive keratinization of keratinocytes at the hair follicle duct, which leads to the formation of acne. To put it simply, the increase in oil secreted after endocrine abnormalities causes clogged pores to form acne. The second reason is the genetic factor, that is, the congenital cystic acne problem. There are many reasons for this, and you need to go to the hospital for a detailed examination. The third reason is bad living habits, such as long-term insomnia due to lack of sleep, and frequent consumption of greasy or irritating food, not paying attention to facial hygiene, these are all causes of acne. The fourth reason is the drug factor, which can also lead to cystic acne if you are taking hormonal drugs. The last reason is that cysts can also form if you are chronically stressed and unable to relax.

Method for curing cystic acne

There are many ways to cure cystic acne. The first method is to make an appointment with a dermatologist and seek the most professional and scientific treatment method. The dermatologist will use a sharp needle to squeeze out the cyst of our facial injury. Never squeeze it at home. If it is not treated properly, it will lead to acne. More serious and even cause other facial injuries. The second method is to buy antibiotics. Antibiotics have a good effect on killing acne-causing bacteria. Be sure to pay attention to the dosage when using them. If you are not sure, be sure to ask your doctor first. Antibiotics have certain side effects if you are allergic to light or have liver damage or if you are pregnant, don't use them. The third method is to apply vitamin A acid on the skin, which can unclog pores and clean acne, and apply it once a day. This is suitable for people with severe acne. It also has certain side effects such as sensitivity to light and dry skin. The fourth method is hormone therapy. As mentioned earlier, hormones are the cause of cysts, so we can treat them with hormones. The fifth method is to destroy cystic acne with laser treatment, which burns away the excess sebaceous gland oil secreted by the laser, thereby allowing the cyst to subside. These are the basic methods of treating cysts.

Skin care products suitable for cystic acne

In addition to the antibiotics and retinoids mentioned above. We can also use facial cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide, toners that contain salicylic acid, acne-removing products that contain benzoyl peroxide, and skincare products that are more moisturizing.

The above is the description of the causes and methods of acne. If you also have the problem of cystic acne, you must not ignore it and try the methods mentioned above, so that you are one step closer to clean and fresh skin.