What types of strength training are there?


When we exercise for the purpose of fitness, it is usually divided into two forms: aerobic exercise and strength training. Strength training is a type of anaerobic exercise, but when it comes to strength training, how is it defined? At this time, many friends may attribute any weight lifting to strength training, but it is not. That's exactly what I'm going to talk about today, what types of weight training are there:

In answering this question, first we need to understand a term that is often used during strength training: RM. RM refers to the maximum number of times a person can perform a certain movement under a certain weight, according to the quality of the movement. This number is RM.


First: Aerobic

Under normal circumstances, as long as it can last for more than 3 minutes and meets the characteristics of aerobic exercise, it can be called aerobic exercise. In the process of fitness, many female friends will achieve the purpose of burning fat and shaping through small weights and multiple sets of exercises, but small weights can also be aerobic exercise.

So, what is a small weight? Light weights (not referring to a certain type of equipment) are workouts that weigh less than 20% of your maximum weight. Generally speaking, the repeatable practice is above 60RM. For example, the maximum weight someone can squat is 50 kg, then at this time he uses a small weight, that is, a weight under 10 kg, to complete the training in the form of 60 repetitions per group (it is still very difficult for most friends, so it is limited to the example here).

This form of training generally does not increase the circumference of the muscles, but makes the muscles more elastic, and can exercise different parts of the body separately, so as to maintain high-efficiency training for a long time, not only to achieve the effect of aerobic exercise It will cause local fatigue and injury, so that the whole body can get coordinated training and development.

Second: fat reduction

To further increase the weight, when training at 30-50% of your maximum exercise weight, repeat 25-50RM of each movement.

In this form of exercise, the body performs exercise metabolism in a mixed aerobic and anaerobic manner, and the exercise heart rate is controlled between 55-80% of the maximum heart rate. This form is one of the best exercise metabolism methods for effectively burning fat, both during and after exercise.

Thus, exercising in this form results in a substantial loss of body fat while moderately increasing tension throughout the body. It can be said to be one of the ideal exercise methods for fat loss and shaping. However, it needs to be said that this kind of exercise is relatively high-intensity, and it is more suitable for people who are healthy and have a certain sports foundation.


Third: Muscle building class

Add a little more weight, use 70-85% of your maximum weight during the workout, and do 16-50RM per set.

The main purpose of this type of training is to increase muscle volume, circumference, and muscle strength, because this form of training stimulates various components of the muscle fibers in the muscle, which allow for muscle strength, speed, and endurance. it has been improved.

Of course, this type of training is more suitable for fitness veterans and bodybuilders who need to increase muscle, but it is not suitable for the general public, and it is difficult to meet the requirements.

Fourth: power augmentation

The weight is up again. At this point, the weight has been lifted to more than 90% of the maximum weight. Generally no more than 4RM per set.

This type of training stimulates the body tissue relatively more and consumes relatively less energy. The trainer's strength and weight can be significantly improved without a modest gain in muscle mass. Of course, only a few friends can do it, and the risk of injury is high.