Which chest exercises are suitable for home training?


In the process of losing fat and shaping, we all hope that our body will become better. Where there is meat, there is a state of meat. In fact, this is not the case. Everyone's fat distribution is genetically determined, and it's really hard to force. In addition, in the process of losing fat, the body fat will also change. It will be lost due to lower body fat percentage, and it will also include areas you don't want to lose, such as breasts and buttocks. Losing fat without reducing breasts may be a point that many female friends are very concerned about. Of course, this idea, as good as it is, can also disappoint us.
However, even so, if you want to have a natural chest shape after losing fat, you still need to solve it through targeted chest training. Chest training doesn't change the structure of the chest, but it does it by strengthening the muscles near the sternum. Prevents sagging breasts and lifts them, making them taller and more natural-looking.
From the perspective of the chest structure, the upper part of the chest contributes the most to the shape. Therefore, in the process of female shaping, the training above the chest should be the focus. The right movement will not only help you resist the effects of time and gravity to avoid sagging. It can also make the line of the collarbone more beautiful. Therefore, when choosing training movements, you should choose more inclined training movements. But it should be noted that in the selection of the uphill angle, it is generally about 40 degrees. When the angle is too large, the focus of stimulation will shift to the shoulders, thereby reducing the stimulation of the chest.
Of course, for many friends, there may be some difficulties in how to choose training movements, because most people cannot go to the gym for systematic training, so if there is a set of movements at home. So next, share a set of chest training exercises at home, complete the training with dumbbells and elastic bands.
Chest Action 1: Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Lie on your back on a sloping bench at an angle of about 40 degrees, bend your knees with your legs apart, put your feet on the ground, support your body with your hips, upper back, and head, tighten your core, bend your elbows, hold dumbbells in both hands, and press Raise the dumbbells to your chest. eye kiss
Keeping your body steady, keeping your abs tight, push your chest up with your arms and push the dumbbells up until your arms are straight, paying attention to a slight bend in your elbows.
Stop for a while at the top, contract your chest, and then actively control the speed, slowly bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells to restore.
Chest Exercise 2: Incline Dumbbell Flying Bird
Lie on your back on a flat bench tilted about 40 degrees, knees apart, feet on the ground, upper back, head and hips support body, hold dumbbells in both hands, lift to your chest, palms facing each other, elbows slightly bent
Keep your body stable, keep your core tight, keep your elbows slightly bent, actively control your speed, and slowly lower the dumbbells to your sides in a kettlebell trajectory
Move to the top and stop for a moment, feel the stretch of the chest, and then force the chest to drive the arms to lift the dumbbells up and slowly restore, feeling the contraction of the chest.
Pay attention to keep your body stable throughout the whole process, keep your elbows slightly bent, and actively control the falling speed of your arms, and do not let your arms fall freely.
Chest Action 3: Standing Elastic Band Pushing Chest
Hold the middle part of the band at approximately the same height as your chest, stand with the band on your back and position your body, lunge back and forth with your legs, straighten your back, tighten your core, bend your arms and open your elbows to your sides , hold both ends of the elastic band with both hands
Keep the body stable, keep the abdomen tight, drive the arms to straighten forward with force, stop for a moment at the highest point of the movement, feel the contraction of force, and then actively control the speed and slowly recover in the opposite direction
Pay attention to keep your body stable throughout the action, keep your back straight, and focus on feeling the contraction and extension of the chest muscles
Chest Action 4: Incline Dumbbell Alternate Bench Press
Lie on your back on a bench tilted about 40 degrees, support your body with your upper back, head, and hips, bend your knees, land your feet on the ground, tighten your core, hold a dumbbell in each hand, lift it to your chest, bend your elbows slightly, Then the fists face each other.
Keeping your body steady, keeping one arm still, actively controlling your speed, slowly bend your elbow with the other arm, feel the stretch in your chest muscles, and push the dumbbell up to your arm. Straighten (bend your elbows slightly) and feel your chest muscles contract.
After completing the movement on one side, keep the arm still, and then complete the movement on the other side.
During the entire movement, keep your body stable, actively control the speed when bending your elbows downward, do not let your arms fall freely, and be careful not to lock your elbows when pushing up the dumbbells, and do not touch the two dumbbells.
Chest Exercise 5: Incline dumbbell narrow lying Push
Lie on your back on a bench tilted about 40 degrees, bend your knees, plant your feet on the ground, support your body with your upper back, head, and hips, tighten your abs, bend your elbows, keep your upper arms close to your body, and bend your forearm. palm opposite
Keeping your body stable, push the dumbbells up with your arms vigorously until your arms are straight, paying attention to a slight bend in your elbows
Stop for a moment at the top of the movement, contract hard, and then actively control the speed to slowly recover, feeling the stretch of the chest muscles.
Chest Action 6: Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Lie on your back on a yoga mat, legs bent, knees apart, feet on the ground, hips, upper back, and head supported, arms bent, elbows out to the sides, dumbbells in both hands, chest raised, palms facing each other .
Keeping your body steady and core tight, push the dumbbells up with your arms firmly until your arms are straight. Be careful not to lock your elbows and keep the two dumbbells from touching each other.
Move to the top and stop for a moment, feel the forceful contraction, and then take the initiative to control the speed and slowly lower the dumbbell to restore, and feel the stretch of the chest muscles.