What bad habits can cause stomach cancer?


Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in my country , almost close to 1/4 of all malignant tumor deaths, a disease that seriously threatens people's health. Gastric cancer is mostly caused by inattentive eating habits. In daily life, developing good eating habits and creating a good dining environment can avoid the occurrence of many gastric cancers. So, what bad habits can cause stomach cancer?


Which bad habits can cause stomach cancer?

Bad habit causing stomach cancer 1: Often eating leftovers or expired food

Bacteria will be produced after heating leftovers, expired or even moldy food is more likely to produce carcinogens such as nitrite, and long-term eating can easily lead to gastric cancer.

Causing gastric cancer Bad habit 2: eating while walking, eating while watching

The stomach needs a lot of blood during digestion. If a person eats during exercise or other activities, part of the blood supplied to the stomach will be scattered, resulting in indigestion and damage to the stomach. Long-term stomach damage can give stomach cancer an opportunity.

Causes gastric cancer Bad habit 3: Eating alone for a long time

Eating alone can easily lead to anxiety, which in turn affects the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating with poor mental state for a long time will significantly increase the risk of gastric cancer.


Causes gastric cancer Bad habit 4: Eating too sour fruit on an empty stomach

Eating fruits with strong acid or tannic acid such as persimmons and pineapples on an empty stomach is likely to cause gastric juice and acid to synthesize stones and increase the risk of gastric cancer.

Causes gastric cancer Bad habit 5: Eating processed meat products often

In order to prolong the shelf life, sausages are added with too many preservatives, which often increases the risk of cancer. Processed meat products such as cured meat and smoked fish contain a lot of nitrite, which is also an important reason for the high incidence of gastric cancer in coastal areas of my country and Japanese.

Causes gastric cancer Bad habit 6: Drink soda and coffee often

Soda itself is not very harmful to the stomach, but too much or too cold will stimulate the stomach; coffee will stimulate the secretion of gastric acid, resulting in indigestion and pantothenic acid, people with gastric ulcers and heartburn symptoms must be cautious.


Causes gastric cancer Bad habit 7: smoking and drinking

There is a direct relationship between gastric cancer and drinking, and smoking will also make the smoke enter the stomach with the digestive tract, directly stimulate the gastric mucosa, cause submucosal vasospasm, and easily form gastric ulcers.

Causing gastric cancer Bad habit 8: irregular life

Office workers eat three meals a day at irregular times, irregular and improvised. Often eating or not eating breakfast casually, eating gutter oil takeaway for lunch, eating haysai for dinner, and midnight snacking at roadside stalls, etc., these behaviors are extremely bad for the stomach, coupled with the high work pressure, it is very difficult It is easy to induce gastric diseases and damage gastric function, thereby increasing the risk of gastric cancer.

Causing gastric cancerBad habit 9: Eating too much can induce gastric cancer

The human digestive system needs regular recuperation in order to keep working properly. If you often eat very full, the food of the previous meal is not digested, and the food of the next meal fills the stomach again, so that the gastric mucosa cannot be repaired. Due to the long-term retention of food in the stomach, the stomach is forced to secrete a large amount of gastric juice, which damages the gastric mucosa, and is prone to gastric erosion and gastric ulcer, thereby inducing gastric cancer.


Causing gastric cancer Bad habit 10: mental stress

When a person is tense and angry, bad emotions can spread to the limbic system through the cerebral cortex, affect the autonomic nervous system, directly lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, constrict the gastric blood vessels, damage the protective layer of the gastric mucosa, etc., causing long-term depression, anxiety or depression. After mental trauma, prone to ulcer disease and gastric cancer.

Causes gastric cancer Bad habit 11: Overuse of drugs

There are three main types of drugs that easily damage the gastric mucosa: one is acetylsalicylic acid such as aspirin, the other is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, and the third is hormone drugs such as corticosteroids. Therefore, you should try to eat or not eat these drugs as much as possible. If you must take them, you should control the dosage and course of treatment, preferably after meals.