Why do I always get dry mouth at night?


Many people feel dry mouth when they sleep at night. They usually think that it is caused by thirst, so they don’t care. In fact, this is not the case. This is probably a health problem. So what conditions or diseases can cause dry mouth at night?
Why do I always feel thirsty at night?
1. Water shortage
When the weather is hot, the human body will sweat a lot. If the water is not replenished in time, the body will be seriously dehydrated and thirsty. In addition, if you eat too much salt that day, it will also lead to dry mouth and thirst when you go to bed at night.
2. Mouth breathing
If you are accustomed to mouth breathing when you sleep, or people who snoring when sleeping, breathe through your mouth and nose at the same time, you may need to check your nose for disease. When the amount of oxygen supplied to the nose is not enough, you will choose to breathe through your mouth. , leading to dry mouth, prolonged mouth breathing will also change the shape of the mouth, making people ugly.
3. Body heat
If you always have a dry mouth when you sleep, it may be due to a fever, and the body temperature rises, which leads to excessive water loss, and it is easy to dry your mouth. The phenomenon of body fever at night will be more obvious.
4. Get angry
If you usually like to eat spicy and irritating food, you will consume a lot of water in order to relieve this kind of stimulation. Over time, the human body will be in a state of dehydration for a long time, and finally it will show symptoms of getting angry, resulting in dry mouth and thirst in the middle of the night.
5. Wrong sleeping position
When sleeping on your back, sleeping with your mouth open can cause dry mouth. There are also people who like to sleep on their stomachs and their sides. These sleeping positions can easily lead to drooling. The drool flows out along the gaps at the corners of the mouth and is absorbed by pillows and quilts, and drooling can easily lead to abnormal dry mouth.
6. Turn on the air conditioner for a long time
In the hot summer, if the air conditioner is always on, the low temperature and dry air will cause the water in the body to evaporate too quickly, and it will also cause dry mouth and thirst.
In addition to lack of water, or related to 6 diseases
1. Hepatobiliary diseases
Hepatobiliary disease may lead to frequent symptoms of dry mouth and bitterness in the mouth. No matter how much water you drink, it cannot be relieved. If you have liver and gallbladder disease, the patient will also have obvious symptoms of jaundice, and spider anemia and liver palms are also prone to appear on the skin surface.
Therefore, if the body often has symptoms of dry mouth and bitterness, it is mainly a "single signal" issued by liver and gallbladder diseases.
2. Oral diseases
If you have oral diseases, you are also prone to symptoms of dry mouth, usually accompanied by bad breath, swollen gums or toothache. If this occurs, go to a professional dental hospital for treatment. After the oral diseases are relieved, the dry mouth will naturally improve.
3. Respiratory system diseases
People with respiratory problems such as chronic pneumonia and snoring are also prone to frequent dry mouth symptoms. If dry mouth is accompanied by symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, and cough, it may be a respiratory disease, and attention should be paid to it.
4. Thyroid disease
Hyperthyroidism in thyroid disease refers to hyperthyroidism, which leads to excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, abnormal acceleration of metabolism, continuous excitation of sympathetic nerves, and the speed of water digestion will also be significantly accelerated, often causing symptoms of dry mouth.
5. Diabetes
Due to the abnormal increase in blood sugar in the body, diabetic patients will cause adverse stimulation to the oral mucosa, induce symptoms of dry mouth and thirst, drink more water, and urinate more, but the symptoms of dry mouth cannot be relieved in a short time after drinking water, and the cause needs to be considered.
6. Sjögren's syndrome
Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects the exocrine glands. The main symptoms of patients are dry mouth, dry eyes, etc. In the early stage of this disease, patients may experience insufficient saliva secretion, dry mouth or sticky mouth, resulting in a feeling of thirst, but the patient itself is not dehydrated.