Often toothache because of myocardial infarction?


I am most afraid of delaying the disease and delaying treatment. The earlier the heart problem is detected, the better. However, there are often patients who go to the wrong department or register the wrong number because they cannot correctly identify the pain. When the heart sends a "SOS for help" through other parts of the body "When the signal is received, I hope everyone can receive and interpret it in a timely and accurate manner.


Signal 1 Toothache and numbness suggest myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction can be manifested as left jaw pain or toothache, which is a referred pain, which refers to the phenomenon of hypersensitivity or pain in a certain area of ​​the body surface when certain internal organs are diseased.

Referred pain is a type of pain in which the patient feels a marked pain somewhere on the surface of the body where there is no actual injury.

Because the nerves of the throat, mandible, and heart are innervated by the same segment of spinal nerves, sore throat or jaw pain may be induced when myocardial ischemia occurs.

How to identify the signal of toothache, it is from the heart, not the problem of the tooth itself?

Pain associated with myocardial ischemia may manifest as jaw pain, neck pain, and even tooth pain, especially neck, jaw, and tooth pain associated with exercise, ie, these parts are not painful at rest, but painful when walking , or persistent pain, accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness and cold sweats, it is likely to be acute myocardial infarction.

This kind of toothache cannot be relieved by painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs, and most of them have no symptoms of dental diseases such as redness and swelling.

Patients with real toothache do not have the performance of ECG ischemia, while patients with myocardial ischemia leading to toothache often find myocardial ischemia on ECG.


Signal 2: Stomach pain after exercise or suggesting myocardial ischemia

Before the onset of myocardial infarction, the patient will experience severe pain behind the sternum, and this pain will radiate to the upper abdomen, causing the patient to have very obvious upper abdominal pain, as well as a burning and squeezing sensation in the upper abdomen.

And when there is pain in the upper abdomen, there will also be some symptoms of nausea or vomiting. These symptoms are very similar to stomach problems, so it is easy to be mistaken for stomach pain by patients.

The heart is above the liver and stomach. Once the myocardial ischemia occurs, the diaphragm may be stimulated, and the brain will receive discomfort signals from the stomach, thinking it is stomach pain, but it is actually a problem with the heart itself.

Myocardial ischemia-related epigastric pain mostly begins to appear after emotional agitation or activity, while digestive tract diseases are often unrelated to exercise and emotional agitation, and most of them are accompanied by belching, acid regurgitation, and heartburn, and most of them occur at rest or in the supine position at night ;

Myocardial ischemia produces pain for a short time, generally less than 10 minutes, and stomach pain often lasts for more than 30 minutes or even a whole day; the pain caused by myocardial ischemia is often unrelated to diet, while real stomach pain is generally related to fasting or diet, but After a meal attack, attention should still be paid to the possibility of myocardial ischemia, which can be identified by electrocardiogram in general.

Signal 3 The leg pain was actually caused by cardiac embolism


Cardiogenic emboli are emboli formed by heart diseases such as atrial fibrillation, infective endocarditis, and valvular heart disease.

Under the premise of no traumatic experience, sudden limb cold, severe pain, numbness, need to be alert to whether the lower extremity arterial embolism; intermittent claudication, pain after walking a certain distance, stop to improve, this kind of pain should first check for blood vessel problems . Whether there is a mural thrombus blocking a large blood vessel in the lower extremity, causing pain.