How to make women go through menopause safely?


Menopause is also known as perimenopause. In everyone's impression, the direct manifestation of "menopause" is often "irritable". When middle-aged women often experience emotional "irritability" symptoms, their first reaction is whether they have reached "menopause". The most common soul torture in the outpatient clinic is "Doctor, I've been a little out of control recently, and they all say I'm in menopause, right?"  ….

First, what is menopause

Menopause is a transitional stage from regular menstruation during the reproductive period to menopause. It can be determined whether it is true menopause after 12 months of menopause. Menopause syndrome is a series of related symptoms that occur in the short or long period of time around menopause.

Second, what are the clinical manifestations of menopausal syndrome

Menopause will lead to the decline of ovarian function, which will further affect the secretion of estrogen. A series of vasomotor symptoms, endocrine disorders, and neuropsychiatric symptoms are mainly manifested as

1. Menstrual changes

Menopause can cause changes in menstruation. First, the menstrual flow is reduced, and the menstrual cycle is shortened. The second is irregular menstruation, sometimes more menstrual volume and longer menstrual volume, and sometimes less menstrual volume. The third is the sudden onset of menopause.

2. Vasomotor symptoms

During menopause, hot flashes often appear from the chest to the head and neck and then spread to the whole body. Without any premonitory trigger, the explosive sweating lasts for a few seconds to a few minutes and subsides. This symptom occurs several to dozens of times a day. It is more likely to appear at night or under stress.

3. Neurological symptoms

Menopause is prone to emotional fluctuations, irritability, suspiciousness, anxiety, decreased self-confidence, low mood, lack of self-control and other emotional symptoms, as well as inattention, memory loss, sleep disorders and other symptoms.

4. Urogenital symptoms

Menopause also has symptoms such as genital itching, urogenital atrophy, vaginal dryness, loss of libido, dyspareunia, frequent urination, urgency, and recurrent urinary tract infections.

5. Metabolic abnormalities and cardiovascular diseases

Some women also have symptoms of abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism, palpitations, and arrhythmias during menopause. They should also be alert to myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease.

6. Osteoporosis

Since menopause, the production of bone slows down. About 1/4 of postmenopausal women suffer from osteoporosis, which often manifests as pain in the limbs, low back, and severe joint pain, which can lead to fractures of the distal radius and femoral neck. Fractures occur most often.

3. How to survive menopause safely

1. Self-psychological adjustment

To popularize the knowledge of menopause and correctly understand the changes of menopause can realize that menopause is a natural process that women must go through in their life and embrace it and overcome it psychologically.

2. Maintain a harmonious family relationship

Before and after menopause, women's mood swings are relatively large, they are difficult to control, and they often have conflicts with their families. At this time, it is necessary to communicate fully with family members in a timely manner to let them understand their "involuntarily", obtain their understanding and get more comfort and encouragement.

3. Increase the interest in life

Menopausal women should enrich their spare time and cultivate some hobbies such as listening to music, growing flowers, raising fish, illustration, and writing. They can also participate in group activities and go to colleges for the elderly to learn some talents that young people want to learn but have no time to learn, such as singing, Musical instruments, painting, etc. can reduce symptoms before and after menopause by diverting attention by communicating with the outside world.

4. Proper exercise

Appropriate exercise before and after menopause can slow down the decline of the physiological functions of various organs and promote metabolism. You can choose some slow-paced sports such as jogging, yoga, Tai Chi, etc. You can also dance square dance, aerobics, meet some like-minded friends, enhance exchanges and encourage and support each other.

5. Appropriate hormone supplementation

Some hormone supplements can be appropriately given before and after menopause to prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis and improve menopause-related symptoms, but hormone therapy should be strictly under the guidance of a physician. Self-supplementation is not recommended.