What conditions can lead to cervical cancer?


Cervical cancer is a serious gynecological disease, and its most frightening part is that it is not easy to be detected at an early stage. Many cervical cancer patients are found to have advanced disease. Under current medical conditions, the survival rate for complete cure of cervical cancer is less than 5%.
When cervical lesions occur, because the cervical mucosa lacks pain nerves, most women do not feel obvious pain during the disease process, which directly brings difficulties to the early screening of cervical cancer.
First, the "sensor" of cervical cancer - underwear
1. When yellow to green appears on the underwear, please pay more attention
You can judge a woman's health by observing the color of her leucorrhea. If the color of a woman's leucorrhea is transparent or milky white, it can be judged that the uterine cavity is in good health. But once there is yellow to green, female friends should pay more attention. At this time it is likely that you have been infected by the HPV virus. Because HPV virus infection can cause some tissue cells in the body to fall off, yellow-green will appear on the underwear.
2. When the color of underwear is red, please pay attention to distinguish
It is normal for women's underwear to appear red in two cases, one is normal bleeding during menstrual cramps every month; the other is that in a small number of cases, women may also appear less red during ovulation. . Don't worry in these two cases, but you should be vigilant in time for seeing red. This abnormal bleeding is likely to be an early warning of cervical cancer, because after infection with cervical cancer, the virus will cause damage to the surface cells of the cervix, and the damaged cells will cause ulcers and bleeding at the site. In addition, bleeding during sexual contact is not a good phenomenon, and it is likely to be an early manifestation of cervical cancer.
Second, what conditions are likely to lead to cervical cancer
Premature adult life . The reproductive tract of young women has not yet matured, and the cervical mucosa is not resistant to viruses or bacteria and certain carcinogens. If at this time, unhealthy substances exist for a long time, it is easy to cause atypical hyperplasia of cervical squamous epithelium or even cancer.
Lack of exercise . If women lack exercise for a long time, toxins will continue to accumulate in the body. If the toxins cannot be ruled out in the long run, there is the possibility of inducing cervical cancer. Doing it in one place for a long time and keeping one position still will also accumulate toxins, which is also a common cause of cervical cancer.
Effects of smegma . Some women's disease is directly related to the poor personal hygiene of men. If men do not pay attention to cleaning the foreskin dirt, it is easy to introduce bacteria and viruses into women's bodies, which can easily lead to various gynecological diseases, and even make women suffer from cervical cancer.
Multiple abortions . If a woman has undergone multiple abortions or other gynecological operations, the cervical dilation, curettage and other surgical operations during the operation will cause damage to the uterine cavity and cervix, which may lead to cervical injury or inflammation, leading to cervical cancer.
Three, Cervical cancer Prevention advice
Cervical cancer is highly curable if detected early. But once it enters the advanced stage, the survival rate is very low. Therefore, early prevention and treatment are particularly important.
A regular lifestyle is recommended
It is recommended that women eat as light as possible, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and reduce the intake of spicy and greasy foods.
It is recommended that female friends go to bed early and get up early, do not stay up late, and regular work and rest is conducive to good health.
It is recommended to develop the habit of drinking a lot of water, enough water will speed up the body's metabolism. When washing private parts, it is recommended to wash with running water.
More exercise is recommended. Exercise can enhance resistance, speed up the body's metabolism, and promote the excretion of toxins and waste from the body.
It is recommended to receive the vaccine early
Now there are bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines on the market. Early vaccination can reduce the risk of infection. But getting the HPV vaccine doesn't mean you can completely prevent cervical infection. It is still recommended to have a cervical cancer screening every year, do not take it lightly.
It is recommended to eat more foods rich in folic acid
Foods containing folic acid can prevent cervical cancer and are recommended to be eaten regularly. Women who are chronically deficient in folic acid can lead to abnormal fetal development during pregnancy and increase the risk of cervical cancer. Soy products, fish, eggs, animal offal, etc. are all foods with high folic acid content. It is recommended to eat more.
It is recommended to adjust the release pressure
Modern people only know that they are in a bad mood, sulking, losing their temper, and being in a state of depression or tension for a long time can easily cause diseases. It is recommended to learn to regulate emotions and relieve stress in order to better prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer.