Do you need to wear underwear while sleeping?


As for whether to wear underwear or underwear when sleeping, men must have no longer struggled, and the conclusion is that the first level of sleep is the most comfortable. But for women, whether to wear underwear to bed or not, there is no consensus. Today we will analyze it.

Wear underwear to sleep?

Some women think it is safe to sleep in underwear, and some women with big breasts worry about the problem of breast sagging and external expansion without wearing underwear, and insist on wearing underwear 24 hours a day. And more women like to feel unrestrained, they can break free from the shackles of underwear and improve the quality of sleep, so they choose not to wear them. The editor believes that unless your underwear is of good material and air permeability, it is not recommended for women to sleep in underwear. The reasons are as follows:

1. It is easy to cause the chest to expand or sag

It is inevitable for people to turn over when sleeping, and it is impossible to keep one position still. According to statistics, on average, each person turns over more than 20 times per night, especially in hot summer. With the change of body position when turning over, the underwear will move, which not only fails to support the chest and gathers the chest, but also causes squeezing, which affects blood circulation, and is prone to external expansion or sagging of the chest.

2. Sleeping in underwear can easily lead to breast cancer.

A research team in the United States has done research, and they found that the number of breast cancer patients in the United States is increasing, and the main cause is actually related to women wearing underwear for a long time. Studies have shown that wearing underwear to sleep can easily prevent the toxins produced by the breasts. Wearing underwear for more than 12 hours a day increases the risk of breast cancer by 21 times compared with women who do not wear underwear or wear underwear for a short time. Increased risk even more, up to 113 times.

Wearing underwear while sleeping will affect blood circulation, compress the lymph glands and blood vessels in the chest, and the underwear made of chemical fiber will prevent the toxins produced in the chest from being discharged. Over time, it will induce breast disease in women, and it will also cause women to experience chest tightness and shortness of breath, which affects heart and lung function. Happening. It is recommended that women take off their underwear when sleeping, so that the breasts can be fully rested.

Sleeping without underwear?

In theory, in addition to the menstrual period, if women sleep without underwear, it will bring many benefits to the body:

1. Improve sleep

When women go to bed without wearing underwear, the body can be unconstrained, relieve tension, and improve sleep quality to a certain extent.

2. Let the vulva breathe

Women are wrapped in underwear and outer pants during the day, especially wearing tight underwear, which will make the air in the genitals not smooth. If you continue to wear underwear when you fall asleep, it is easy to induce gynecological inflammation. If you don't wear underwear, you can let the skin of the vulva breathe normally, promote blood circulation, refresh the genitals, and reduce the occurrence of bacterial infection and gynecological inflammation.

3. Relieve dysmenorrhea

Women's dysmenorrhea is generally caused by endocrine disorders. If you don't wear underwear to sleep, you can relax your body, promote blood circulation, and improve the circulation. During menstruation, it is easier to discharge dirty blood, relieve dysmenorrhea, and improve the body's immunity.

However, if the bed is full of dust, mites, and dirt when sleeping without underwear, due to the special physiological structure of women, it is easy to be infected by bacteria, which will endanger the health of the vagina and even the uterus. Sleeping without underwear at this time will be very dangerous.

Therefore, it is suggested that under the condition that the bedding can be kept clean and frequently cleaned and replaced, women can sleep without wearing underwear, which can improve the quality of sleep, relax the body and mind, and maintain good health.