How to raise Shih Tzu bears?


Shih Tzu bears belong to the highest class of large hamsters. Its breeding process is relatively complicated, mainly from golden hamsters to golden bears, and the finally cultivated Shih Tzu bears are completely independent of a species and must not be hybridized with lower species. Not only will it lead to the degeneration of genes, but also the mutation of personality.

The Shih Tzu bear has a docile personality and has gorgeous and noble soft long hair. It is very lovable. It is a rare pet breed among hamsters and an excellent long-haired hamster breed.

Form of Shih Tzu bear

The Shih Tzu bear has a variety of fur colors, beautiful appearance, docile personality, and is very lovable. It is a rare pet breed among hamsters. Shih Tzu's eyes are black, and if they are red or other colors, they are not qualified.

According to the definition of Shih Tzu, a Shih Tzu bear should meet the following conditions:

1. Its eyes are black without circles.

2. Its hair is divided into two types: shiny hair and non-shiny hair. The only ones that don't glow are the black species.

3. Its face is wider and rounder.

4. Hair is getting longer.

5. Male Shih Tzu bears have long hair all over their body; female Shih Tzu bears have long hair on part of their body.

6. The Shih Tzu bear belongs to the Syrian hamster, so it retains the characteristics left by its ancestors - the meat pad.

7. Syrian hamsters are more docile, and hybrids are more aggressive due to various genetic instability.

Breeding knowledge of Shih Tzu

Compared with other hamsters, Shih Tzu bears are relatively large, so they need to prepare a relatively large running wheel when feeding them. When the weather is hot, you need to prepare cooling tools for them, you can use cooling plates or soft stones.

Xi Shi Xiong has a high IQ and is very powerful. When he first learned how to escape, he would escape from the same place one after the other. Therefore, remember to close the door with wire to prevent them from opening the door themselves to escape.

Due to the characteristics of long hair, sawdust is easy to stick to the long hair, and cat litter and napkins are the best choices for all bedding. Cat litter is used to absorb urine, napkins are used to sleep and keep warm, and pastures are not good for absorbing odor and urination. They go to the toilet at set times, so don't worry about littering. Give them a toilet if you can and you'll find they're really smart.

Shih Tzu bears don't have much food requirements. Whenever they are hungry, they will eat leftovers or foods they don't normally like to eat. Therefore, when feeding food, you do not need to be pampered, and it is recommended to drink cold water.

The physique of Shih Tzu bears raised in captivity is weak, especially in the stomach. Food is mostly dry. Too much water in vegetables, fruits, and spoiled foods can lead to soft stools.

Hair removal without dandruff is normal shedding. Shih Tzu bears have the habit of living alone. They start playing with each other from about 10 days old and should be separated as soon as possible after weaning. Male and female bears are prohibited from cohabiting during non-mating periods.

Shih Tzu bears have strong escape ability and memory. Once the escape condition is met, the escape condition must be broken, otherwise the escape will be repeated. sleep long hours, from 6am to 11pm point. Shih Tzu bears that live in small dens can get wet and affect their fur, so dens can be avoided.

Shih Tzu bears are large hamsters and, unlike small hamsters, can be washed with water. The trick is to bathe them in warm water on a warm afternoon. It can be washed without shower gel, or it can be dried immediately with a hairdryer and warm air to prevent colds. Usually more than once a month is sufficient.

Shih Tzu can be directly hydrated, but it is best to use vegetables to hydrate. Their favorite is lettuce, and Chinese cabbage and carrots are also recommended.

Hamsters are not short-sighted. Although they dare not jump at high places for a while, they become impatient after a while. They will try to jump from heights and cause brain damage. The symptom is that they walk unsteadily.