What are the benefits of anaerobic exercise


We know that fitness-loving friends do some exercise, such as running, cycling, swimming, or going to the gym. You may not know that exercise can be divided into aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Most of the sports people do in their daily life are aerobic exercise, so how much do you know about anaerobic exercise?


What is anaerobic exercise?

Strictly speaking, anaerobic exercise refers to high-speed vigorous exercise performed by muscles in a state of "hypoxia". Most anaerobic exercise is high-intensity transient exercise, so it is difficult to continue for a long time, and the time to eliminate fatigue is very slow.

The reason why it is called anaerobic exercise is relative to aerobic exercise. When exercising, the body's metabolism is accelerated, and the accelerated metabolism needs to consume more energy. The body's energy is obtained through the catabolism of sugar, protein and fat in the body.

When the amount of exercise is not large, such as jogging or dancing, it is basically aerobic exercise. The exercise that provides energy mainly through the aerobic metabolism of fat is what we call aerobic exercise. When the sports we are engaged in are very intense or explosive, such as weightlifting, 100-meter sprint, badminton, wrestling, etc., the body needs a lot of energy instantly. Under normal circumstances, aerobic metabolism cannot meet the needs of the body at this time, bathroom Sugar is rapidly metabolized by anaerobic to generate a lot of energy, and exercise in this state is anaerobic exercise.


What are the benefits of anaerobic exercise?

Any form of exercise is good for the body. Exercise is divided into aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. The meaning of life lies in exercise, which shows that exercise can not only improve physical fitness, but also improve the ability to resist diseases. For office workers, they must also spend some time to actively exercise.

The benefits of anaerobic exercise - improve body immunity

After exercise, the repair of damaged muscles and the metabolism of lactic acid consume fat, increase the ratio of muscle to fat, improve muscle metabolic rate, and improve body immunity. To exercise muscles, anaerobic exercise is too fast and too explosive, and the sugar in the human body cannot be broken down by oxygen. This type of exercise produces too much lactic acid in the body, leading to unsustainable muscle fatigue, post-exercise muscle soreness, and shortness of breath. Anaerobic exercise is a form of exercise that builds muscles and makes the body stronger.


The benefits of anaerobic exercise - reducing the risk of death due to disease

Anaerobic exercise can increase the speed and strength of muscle contraction, effectively reducing the risk of disease death and osteoporosis. Anaerobic exercise goes a long way towards improving muscular endurance and speed. Density increase has little effect, and strength training as anaerobic exercise is more effective in increasing bone density and can effectively reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

The above is the introduction of anaerobic exercise and the related content of the benefits of anaerobic exercise compiled for you. I believe that everyone here has a clearer understanding of anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise can not only improve your own immunity, but also reduce the risk of death due to disease, so when exercising, you might as well combine aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise.