3 Communication Skills in Interpersonal Communication


When interacting with people face-to-face, you must always be aware that you are not only a speaker but also a listener, and be aware of the two-way nature of verbal communication. In other words, you should know that your task is not only to express yourself clearly, but also to think about how to use your communication skills to find topics of interest to the other party and to speak in a way that is easy to understand, and to adjust what you say and what you say based on the other party's feedback. Way. To do this, you should consider the following three areas of communication skills in interpersonal communication.


Communication Skills 1: Choose a topic

Talk to people you know well, don't care too much about communication skills, and lead to the topic directly, but if it's the first time you meet, you should use some communication skills and think carefully about how to choose a topic. If you are meeting someone for the first time, you will inevitably need to introduce yourself. In some ways, introducing yourself is the key to social interaction. If you can master this communication skill well, everything in social activities will go smoothly; on the contrary, it may cause all kinds of difficulties for you.


So, how do you introduce yourself to achieve successful social interaction? In general, a self-introduction should be appropriate. Some people like to start with a self-deprecating introduction to show humility and respect, but this is not necessary. Avoid bragging about your knowledge in the first place, which can be intimidating or give the impression that you're bragging about something that isn't true. Only by presenting yourself truthfully and fully can people feel that you are genuine and can communicate. Once you've introduced yourself, it's time to choose a topic for your communication. To make a topic the carrier of preliminary dialogue, the foundation of in-depth dialogue, and the beginning of communication. The main ways to find themes are as follows.

Method 1. Get attention. In front of many strangers, choose a topic that everyone pays attention to to attract everyone's attention.

Method 2, impromptu introduction. It's a clever communication technique that borrows material about a time, place, and person and uses it to start a conversation.

Method 3, ask questions. When communicating with strangers, you'll feel more comfortable if you start by asking a few specific questions, and after you've gotten to know them a little bit, and then communicate in a targeted manner.


Communication Skills II: Social Dialogue

This communication skill is not talking to oneself or public speaking, but a combination of listening and speaking. The essence of dialogue is not that we take turns speaking, but that we echo each other. Dialogue is that every word of oneself should be a continuation of the last sentence of the other party, and oneself should be able to respond to the other party's words. In this way, there is a real psychological communication between each other.


Communication skills three: Change the topic

In communicating with people, it is necessary to change the subject in the following two situations.

One situation is that you lose interest in the topic of communication, while the other party is so fascinated by it that it is difficult to continue the conversation. In this case, instead of trying to listen, you naturally lead the conversation to another topic of mutual interest by making an illuminating point. Through this communication skill, the other party's self-esteem and interest in speaking will not be weakened.

The second situation is to consciously observe the response of the other party, and consciously detect the cue that the other party does not speak. For example, if the other person shows signs of boredom, it's time to "stop."