How to know what a person really thinks through observation


Everyone is the moon, there is always a dark side, never seen. --Mark Twain

As long as you participate in social activities, you must read people's hearts, so as not to hit the wall and break your head everywhere. Sometimes, if you accidentally make the wrong friend, you may go astray and regret for life.

How to quickly observe a person? How to meet people?

1. Observation of morphological clothing

A person's appearance can reflect the true inner thoughts. We can roughly judge a person's character by looking at a person's sitting posture, standing posture, walking posture, demeanor, looking at people's eyes, looking at clothes, etc.

Of course, this also takes a period of observation. Short-term packaging can be faked, but many behaviors are habits developed over many years and are difficult to fake.

2. Observe words and deeds

The attitude of speaking, the way of speaking, and the style of doing things can reflect a person's character to a large extent.

3. Observe his social circle

Observe what kind of people he usually interacts with, look at each other's WeChat, Moments, Weibo, blogs, shared content, follow information, Moments, and get a general idea of ​​what kind of person he is. a state of life.

4. Observe the past

Look at what he's done in the past, and study what the other person did when and where. Some past behaviors will have a certain enlightening effect, which can help us predict his future behavior.

5. Observe emergencies, dialogues in times of crisis

To look at people, not only to look at the daily external behavior in public places, but also to look at the behavior in times of crisis, which can better reflect a person's nature.

6. Ask for help

Don't underestimate the question of help. Sometimes, asking for help can actually deepen your relationship. By borrowing money, it is sometimes easy to see a person clearly.

7. Observe his hobbies and topics he likes to talk about

From a person's hobbies and topics he hates, we can also dig out the person's personality and style of doing things.

8. Observe comments from friends around you

Through the evaluation of many friends around him, you can view a person more objectively. By observing his attitude towards the people around him and seeing the attitudes of the people around him towards him, we can also quickly understand this person.

9. Observe his background

To observe a person, one should not only observe the person himself, but also the surrounding environment, growth background, educational background, work background, family background and other important nodes.

At the same time, we must look at people from the perspective of development. People change, and adversity and suffering can better reflect a person's quality.

10. Observe his values ​​

Who is his idol? What kind of people does he admire? What does he want? What is he looking for? What kind of life does he want to live? These affect a person's day-to-day behavior and external performance.

11. Observe attitude towards money

Observe his outlook on money and consumption, where is his money spent? These can effectively reflect a person's values.

12. Ask a question suddenly, observe his reaction

In the process of chatting, suddenly ask questions, see his reactions and behaviors, and understand his true thoughts.

13. Ask knowingly

Observe if he is honest and if he is hiding something from you.

14. Deliberately anger him, stimulate him, observe his performance

A person's character is often revealed inadvertently. When looking at people, you should also pay attention to the methods and methods, learn to mobilize the other person's emotions, express your true thoughts, and carefully observe his words and deeds in the process of getting along.

In the end, the human heart is unpredictable. Only by learning to see through the human heart can we see the world clearly and go further. Through the above few tips, if you learn to observe others from different perspectives, you will be able to have a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the personalities of some people around you.