How to get rid of red blood in eyes


The so-called eyes are the windows to the soul, and the eyes can convey a lot of information to others, so a pair of good-looking eyes can make others leave a good first impression on you. But many people are troubled by red blood in the eyes. Today, I will talk about the causes of red blood cells, the methods of removing red blood cells, and the development of good living habits.

The cause of red blood

There are many reasons for red bloodshots. Here are a few basic reasons. Come and see which one you belong to. The first reason is eye disease. When suffering from a certain eye disease, the eyes are likely to have red blood. The more common eye diseases are acute conjunctivitis, stye, etc. These eye diseases will Symptoms that cause red blood in the eyes. The second reason is that the eyes are too tired. Staring at the computer for a long time will cause great damage to the eyes, causing the eyes to suffer from fatigue symptoms, and the blood vessels will slowly expand, which will eventually lead to the appearance of red blood. So be careful not to stare at the computer for a long time, and take a proper rest. The third reason is bacterial infection. The appearance of red blood in the eyes is related to bacterial infection. If the eyes are infected, eye diseases such as keratitis are prone to occur. These eye diseases will cause the blood vessels in the eyes to rupture, and the symptoms of red blood will occur. The fourth reason is not using cosmetics properly. When women use some powdered cosmetics, some of the powder will enter the eyes and infect the eyes. Wearing cosmetic contact lenses, eyeliner, and false eyelashes will cause red blood in the eyes. The fifth reason is the strong anger. Irregular life or poor diet for a long time may cause damage to the internal organs of the body, especially if the liver fire is strong, it may cause damage to the eyes, and then there may be red blood in the eyes. The sixth reason is eye allergies. Exposure to some allergy-prone substances in life, including animal dander, dust, mold, smoke irritation, etc., may cause allergies and cause redness of the eyes, which will also be accompanied by itching, stinging, etc. A variety of phenomena above are the basic causes of red blood cells. If you do not belong to the above reasons, you must go to the hospital to check what causes the red blood cells in the eyes.

Method for removing red blood in eyes

There are many and very simple ways to remove red blood in the eyes. Here are a few basic methods. The first method is to use ice cubes wrapped in a towel for local ice treatment, which can limit mucosal congestion, edema, and remove red blood through cold. The second method is anti-inflammatory, lubricating the ocular surface, and anti-allergic drugs for local eye treatment. Generally, red blood in the eyes is mostly caused by local inflammatory diseases. The third method is to drop targeted eye drops. The fourth method is to ensure sleep time and not stare at electronic products for a long time. The fifth method is to perform surgery. If the red blood in the eye is serious, you must go to the hospital for examination. If it is serious, surgery will be required. The above is the basic method of removal. If you currently have the problem of red blood, you must try the above method. When you stick to the above method for a long time, you will definitely see the effect.

Develop good living habits

It is very important to remove red blood in the eyes and develop good living habits, starting from the little things around you. In order to reduce the occurrence of red blood in the eyes, we should pay attention not to overuse our eyes and eat more foods for eyesight, such as carrots. Or eat more foods that clear the liver and reduce fire, such as bitter gourd, almonds, celery, etc.

The above are the reasons for the formation of red blood cells in the eye and the basic method to remove the red blood cells.