How to Grow Cacti


Cactus is a lazy plant. In the plant world, cactus is definitely the best to keep. No matter whether there is light or not, it can survive for 1 month without watering, but cactus does not have a high appearance value, and the audience is relatively small, and there are also some flowers for cactus I like it very much.

How to raise cactus

Cactus is a common household flower. With proper care, not only will it grow quickly, but it will also have a bright sphere and flourish. So how do you raise cactus?

Method 1: Temperature. Cactus likes high temperature and dry environment. In winter, the indoor temperature is kept above 20°C during the day and not lower than 10°C at night. Too low temperature can cause root rot.

Method 2: Lighting. Cactus needs full sun, but cannot be exposed to strong sunlight in summer, and needs proper shade. Indoor cultivation can be illuminated with light to make it grow robustly.

Method 3: Potted soil. The soil for potted cactus requires drainage, good air permeability, calcareous sandy soil (or sandy loam), 2 parts loam soil, 2 parts humus soil, 3 parts coarse sand, plus limestone gravel or aged discarded buildings to be demolished by It is prepared by mixing 1 part each of old lime wall scraps, or 2 parts each of loam and coarse sand, and 1 part each of broken brick, humus and old ash wall scraps. When cultivating, a small amount of broken bricks should be placed on the bottom of the pot to make the drainage smooth.

Method 4: Planting. It is best to plant pots in early spring, and the pots should not be too large to accommodate the spheres and leave a slight gap. If the flower pot is too large, it cannot be absorbed after enough water, and the air in the pot is blocked, which is easy to cause root rot. Some taproot varieties and toba jade, giant balls, etc. require deeper cones. For varieties with shallow roots, such as silver hair balls, descendants balls, etc., shallower ordinary pots can be used.

Method 5: Method of changing pots. Potted cactus should choose a tiled pot with strong air permeability, and the bottom of the pot should be cushioned with broken bricks as a drainage layer. The palm root cluster is small, the planting pot should not be too large, and the pot diameter is similar to the diameter of the plant body, which is beautiful and harmonious. Trim off some old roots when repotting. Dry for 4-5 days before planting in pots. The planting should not be too deep, and the root neck of the sphere should be flush with the soil surface. In order to avoid causing rotten roots, do not water the newly planted cactus, only need to spray 2-3 times a day, water a little after half a month, and gradually increase the watering when new roots grow after a month.

Method 6: Watering. The best time for watering is early morning in summer, before noon on sunny days in winter, and early and late in spring and autumn. In general, don't spray water from the top, or you'll get unsightly spots on the sphere over time. Under normal circumstances, watering must be sufficient, so the soil should be loosened frequently, so that the basin soil can easily absorb enough water evenly. Summer is the growing season for cactus, with high temperatures and high water requirements. Be sure to water enough, and do it in the morning and evening when the temperature is low and noon is hot, watering can easily cause spheroid burns. In hot and rainy seasons, watering should also be properly controlled. For cactus with depressions on the top, be careful not to pour water into the depressions, so as not to cause rot, and pay more attention to watering at night. Watering should be limited during winter dormancy to prevent the soil from drying out too much. The cooler the temperature, the drier the potting soil. Adult bulbs are more drought tolerant than seedlings. Winter watering should be done on sunny mornings. As the temperature rises, the plant will gradually come out of the dormant state, and the frequency and amount of watering can be gradually increased.

Method 7: Fertilization. Potted cactus can also be properly fertilized during the growing period, especially those with three-edged arrows, and more attention should be paid to fertilizing. The fertilizer can fully decompose the thin liquid fertilizer and apply it every 10-15 days. After autumn, we should pay attention to controlling fertilizer and water, generally applying once a month, and stopping fertilizer in early October. If not controlled with fertilizers. Let the cactus continue to grow, the tender bulbs are susceptible to frost damage as they overwinter. When fertilizing, be careful not to get on the ball. If it is stained, it should be sprayed with water. Before placing the pot or changing the pot, an appropriate amount of basal fertilizer should be added to the culture soil, such as fully decomposed oil cake powder, bone meal, chicken and pigeon dung, etc. , pile up for a period of time until the fertilizer and soil are completely combined, and topdressing should be based on the growth of the plant. During the prosperous season in spring and autumn, topdressing fully decomposed feather horns or oil meal fertilizer and water once every two weeks. Note that the root osmotic pressure of palm flowers is very low, the fertilizer and water must be diluted and thin, and heavy and raw fertilizers should not be avoided. It can also be applied alternately with 0.1% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture, and the amount of fertilizer and water should be covered with the soil surface of the basin. For family farming, if the soil organic matter content in the basin is high, chemical fertilizers can be applied to keep the environment clean. Fertilizer is prohibited during high temperature and heat and low temperature dormancy period.