Precautions for growing aloe vera


Aloe vera is drought tolerant, but afraid of stagnant water. If the potting soil is too wet and the drainage is poor, it is easy to cause aloe vera leaves to shrink, branches and roots to rot and even death. To make aloe vera grow thick and leafy, it is very important to water in time and right amount. The optimum humidity of aloe vera is 45%-85%, and the watering of aloe vera is related to the season. In winter, the growth of aloe vera is inhibited by temperature, so it should be watered as little as possible, usually once every 15-20 days. , When the temperature is 15-25 ℃, water every 5-7 days; in summer, the temperature is high and the evaporation is large, generally water once every 2-3 days, and spray water on the leaves in the morning and evening to avoid the hot summer. Due to the different climates in different regions, the watering of aloe vera should be flexible.
Aloe vera water should be timely and appropriate. Overwatering can cause root rot and tawny patches or tawny rot on the leaves. Stop watering at this point and it will slowly recover. If there is a lack of water, it will die and the leaves will wither.
How to water aloe vera
The correct watering method is: When watering, it is best not to water from the head, but from the side or the root, and do not let the water pour on the leaves, so as to avoid the water temperature being too high and damaging the leaves .
The length of the watering interval and watering time depends on the season and weather changes. Spring and autumn should be watered in the morning, watering once a week is appropriate, if the weather is very clear and the climate is dry, it should be watered once every 5 days, if it is the rainy season, it should be watered once every 10 days, and it is best to water it once a day in summer , It should be watered in the evening, and the water should be slowly infiltrated at night. Do not water in the morning, because it is easy to burn the roots and evaporate quickly, which cannot achieve the purpose of watering. In winter, it is advisable to water once every 10-15 days, and choose to water at noon when the temperature is higher.
The aloe pot soil should be kept moist, too much water is not good for the root system of aloe vera, because aloe vera has the characteristics of drought resistance and waterlogging resistance. The permeability of the potting soil, when the potting soil is compacted, the soil should be loosened in time, with a depth of about 1.5 cm. In addition to the need for adequate watering in summer and frequent spraying of water on the leaves, watering should be controlled in other seasons, otherwise the accumulation of water in the basin soil will easily cause the stems and leaves to rot. Because its succulent leaves can store a lot of water, aloe vera is very drought tolerant. You can water it when the soil surface in the pot is dry. Overwatering or water accumulation in the pot will cause root rot.
Aloe vera has different water requirements at different stages of development. In the seedling stage, the transpiration leaf area is small, and the demand for water is also small, but the root system is weak, the distribution in the soil is shallow, and it is very sensitive to water changes. Therefore, keeping the soil moist is very beneficial for the growth of seedlings. During adulthood, the water requirement of aloe vera increases relatively, and the drought tolerance also increases significantly.
Aloe vera should avoid standing water in the soil. Standing water for more than 10 hours can cause root and leaf rot and even death of the entire aloe vera plant. Soil water holding capacity should be 50%-60%.
Precautions for planting aloe vera
Note 1: Pay attention to the temperature. Aloe vera is afraid of cold, and stops growing at about 5°C, and it will freeze at 0°C. Therefore, aloe vera grows fastest when the temperature is 15-35°C.
Note 2: Aloe vera is afraid of water accumulation. Aloe vera needs to be planted in a place with good drainage, so when planting, you can mix some sand and gravel into the soil to prevent soil compaction, reduce the water permeability of aloe vera roots, and cause root respiration to be blocked.
Note 3: Aloe vera requires photosynthesis. Like other plants, aloe vera needs sunlight to grow. For aloe vera planted for the first time, it is best to let aloe vera see sunlight in the morning, and avoid direct sunlight at noon.
Note 4: Black spot disease is the main factor affecting the growth of aloe vera, which is not only common but also serious. The occurrence and prevalence of black spot is mainly due to rainy and low temperature, and the onset is usually obvious in spring. In terms of prevention and control measures, prevention is the mainstay, and comprehensive prevention and control methods that combine agricultural cultivation measures such as clearing ditches and drainage, reducing soil moisture, and pharmaceuticals should be adopted to achieve the purpose of reducing harm.
Note 5: Pay attention to watering in summer. Aloe vera likes light and heat resistance, but it should be drought-proof when the temperature is high and the rainfall is low in summer. Proper watering can make aloe vera grow rapidly. Watering should not cause overwatering, usually every 5 to 10 days.
Note 6: Fertilize aloe vera. Fertilizers are essential for any plant. Aloe vera needs not only NPK, but also some trace elements. In order to ensure that aloe vera is a green natural plant, it is necessary to use fermented organic fertilizers as much as possible, such as cake fertilizer, chicken manure, compost, etc. Maggot manure is more suitable for planting aloe vera.
Note 7: Seedling propagation. Aloe vera's seedling propagation is mainly asexual propagation, and the propagation methods include division propagation and cutting propagation. Breeding season should be carried out in spring and autumn. Propagation by division means that when the aloe vera seedlings have more than 5 leaves, the seedlings are carefully picked up, try not to damage the root system, and transplanted to other places or flower pots. Cutting propagation refers to cutting off the side branches of aloe vera by about 15 cm and placing it in a ventilated and shaded place for two or three days. When the incision shrinks and dries, transplant it to other places or flower pots, and shade it for another month. Try not to water it during this period. When the cuttings start to grow, move them back to where they were placed, and start watering at this time. After years of growth, the old aloe vera plant grows to a certain height, and it is prone to lodging, which affects the viewing. Therefore, it is cut off at 7 cm at the base of the leaf, and the cutting method is used to rejuvenate the old aloe vera plant.