Breeding method of white phoenix chrysanthemum


Bai Feng Ju is a succulent plant of the raspberry genus of the family Ankoaceae, also known as Ji antler, which is native to South Africa and some coastal areas of the United States. Stems are easy to branch, creeping or erect, young branches are reddish or yellow-green, old branches are brown-red, leaves are opposite to the stem, triangular wedge-shaped, leaf margins have small tips, the size of the leaves will vary with the maintenance conditions While slightly fatter, the color of the leaves changes with the light intensity, from light green to gray-white, and the edges of the leaves will become red with small tips. White Phoenix chrysanthemum blooms in late spring and early summer, the top of the plant blooms, the inflorescence is head-like, the petals and filaments are pale pink, small and charming.

Breeding method of white phoenix chrysanthemum

Cultivation method 1: Loose, breathable, and well-drained soil should be selected for cultivation of white phoenix chrysanthemum, which can be mixed with peat soil, vermiculite and perlite.

Breeding method 2: When watering, be sure to thoroughly water, and then water after the soil is dry. In summer, the temperature is high, and the soil is easy to dry out. Water in time, but be careful not to produce stagnant water; in winter When the temperature is low, control the amount of watering to avoid frostbite. If you accidentally water too much, you can dry it in a ventilated place.

Cultivation method 3: The suitable temperature for the growth of white phoenix chrysanthemum is 15-25 ℃. Too high or too low temperature is not conducive to its growth. If it is lower than 5 ℃ in winter, it will cause frostbite, and if it is higher than 35 ℃, it will enter dormancy. It is not necessary to water it when it is dormant, it is better to keep it in a cool and ventilated environment.

Breeding method 4: In order to make it grow better, be sure to give it sufficient light, but shade it when the sun is strong in summer, or place it directly in a place where it is exposed to astigmatism. It receives all-day light in spring, autumn and winter, and prolonged exposure to cool conditions can cause it to stun.

Breeding method 5: The white phoenix chrysanthemum has few pests and diseases, so we should also pay attention to prevention. Putting it in a sunny, bright and ventilated environment can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.

Breeding method 6: Enter the dormant period when the temperature is high in summer. Don't fertilize at this time, just fertilize it once a month during its growing season.

Growth habit and maintenance points of white phoenix chrysanthemum

Baifengju likes a warm, dry, sunny environment, is drought-tolerant, afraid of water and humidity, has no obvious dormant period, grows tenaciously, and it is not difficult to survive in summer. , affecting the light, and the leaves will turn green at the same time. In full sun, the leaves are compactly arranged, the leaf margin is slightly red, and the leaf color is slightly white with some small red spots, which is very charming. When the white phoenix chrysanthemum is short of water, the leaves will become soft and wrinkled. In summer or if it grows too long, you can't control the frequency of watering. You can water it according to this point. The soil distribution should choose a loose and breathable medium, but it is worth noting that the lower leaves of the white phoenix chrysanthemum are easy to dry and unsightly under the condition of long-term water shortage, especially in summer, it is recommended to keep watering frequently in summer.

Breeding method of white phoenix chrysanthemum

You can choose to cut off the branches of Baifeng chrysanthemum, ventilate and dry, and then insert the lower branches into the soil after the wound heals, so that it is relatively easy to insert.

Tips for white phoenix chrysanthemum

Baifengju also has a relative called Baifengju with teeth. Compared with Baifengju, there are many thorn-like protrusions around the leaf edge. Its living habits are similar to Baifengju.

The difference between white phoenix chrysanthemum, antler begonia, and Guanglin chrysanthemum

Although Bai Fengju is also called Ji Antler, it is actually quite different from Antler Begonia.

Difference1:Easy to branch and grow quickly, easy to grow into a large handful, the antlers are basically unbranched, with few branches and slow growth;

Difference 2: White phoenix chrysanthemum can be whitened, and antlers and begonias are basically always so green;

Difference3: The leaf margins of Baifeng chrysanthemum have small tips and thorns.

Guanglin chrysanthemum and white phoenix chrysanthemum are relatively similar, the main difference seems to be that the leaves of the chrysanthemum are larger, and the center of the stamen is red.